Heroes come in different colors, playing significant roles in comics and making characters exhilarating to read. Today, we are focusing on the specific superheroes who are or wear red. We all know red stands for many things like revolt, anger, love, and courage. While penning down the list, we have found that many red superheroes have similar personalities to what red stands for. Many superheroes will also feature from Hell, as popular culture shows Hell in a red form.
As red is one of the brightest colors in the comics, we will discuss the 25 most superheroes associated with the color red.
#25 The Crimson Bolt

Publisher: Independent
First Appearance: Super of 2010
Crimson Bolt is a vigilante superhero featured as the protagonist of the 2010 movie Super.
Frank Dabo, who had an abusive childhood, always suffered from multiple hallucinations of God and the Devil as his father flogged him to follow Christianity. Though he became a religious person, religion never helped him at all. His wife left him for a drug lord named Jacques.
As Frank knew that Sarah was a drug addict, he went to a comic book store for inspiration and became a superhero named Crimson Bolt without any superpowers.
Crimson Bolt is a superhero who beats his opponent brutally. As his superhero name suggests, he wears a homemade red jumpsuit, and his costume is padded around his shoulders and knees. His mask and helmet are also red. Though Crimson Bolt has no superpowers, he does not have any fear of bringing true justice.
- Agility
- Gadgets
- Stamina
- Weapon Master
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#24 Arsenal

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: More Fun Comics #73 in 1941
Roy Harper, aka Arsenal, is one of those superheroes with no powers and was a former sidekick of Green Arrow.
Roy idolized Green Arrow from the beginning and was excited to join his team. So, he entered a competition to impress his hero under the tutelage of Brave Bow. But he did not come first. Oliver, aka Green Arrow, still noticed him and took him under his wing to develop Roy’s archery skills. In the end, Arsenal became faster in combat than his mentor.
In the comics, Harper was renamed Red Arrow by Hal Jordan after joining Justice League. Red Arrow’s whole superhero costume is red and also uses a red-colored bow and arrow set. Apart from Justice League, Roy once was a member of the Teen Titans.
- Agility
- Escape Artist
- Gadgets
- Intellect
- Marksmanship
- Power Suit
- Stamina
- Stealth
- Weapon Master
#23 Red Mist

Publisher: Image Comics
First Appearance: Kick-Ass #5 in 2009
Chris Genovese, aka Red Mist, is one of the darkest characters on our list as he started his career as a superhero in the Kickass Comics’ universe.
Chris was a big admirer and fan of Kick-Ass and became a masked superhero to fight against crime. He also stopped Russian drug dealers and became a close friend to Kick-Ass.
But the truth was something else, as he was the son of the supervillain Crime Boss, Johnny G. As it turned out, Red Mist always hated the superheroes and betrayed both Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl by tricking them into getting captured. After this betrayal, Red Mist’s name was changed into The Mother F**ker.
Red Mist always wore a red-colored superhero costume with a red cape. His journey in the comics is truly evil; from being a friend to the hero of the story, he ends up becoming the archenemy of Kick-Ass.
- Agility
- Insanely Rich
- Intellect
- Stamina
- Stealth
- Tracking
#22 Spider-Woman

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #32 in 1977
Jessica Miriam Drew, aka, Spider-Woman, is a superhero possessing high detective skills.
Jessica’s parents were on a Hydra project, and her mother was hit by a laser beam that contained all the DNA samples of different kinds of Spiders. In this accidental way, unborn Jessica received all of her superpowers. She received training from Marvel’s one of the deadliest supervillains, Taskmaster, and was highly skilled in using her abilities.
With her vast career experience with S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.W.O.R.D., Spider-Woman was a member of the Avengers and solved the significant events of the Secret Invasion comic book series with her detective skills.
Though there were different versions of Spider-Woman, Jessica’s version mostly appeared in a suit that was mainly red-colored with a glider made of web under her arms. Her suit helps her glide through the air easily.
- Blast Power
- Chemical Secretion
- Electricity Control
- Flight
- Force Field
- Gadgets
- Pheromone Control
- Super Speed
- Super Strength
#21 Red She-Hulk

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #1 in 1962. Hulk volume 2 #15 in 2009 (As Red She-Hulk)
Red She-Hulk is none other than the daughter of General ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross and the long-term love interest of Bruce Banner, Betty Ross. Though we know the tragic life of Bruce, Betty’s life is no less miserable than her boyfriend’s.
General Ross was always against the relationship between Betty and Bruce. After Banner became Hulk, things became more complicated. But Betty’s love for Bruce was never challenged. Hulk was created from gamma radiation, making Betty sick as she was always by Bruce or Hulk’s side. The Leader and MODOK turned her into a female version of Red Hulk, just like her father.
Betty Ross underwent different transformations like Harpy, Red She-Hulk, and others from different universes. As a Red She-Hulk, her skin turns red, and she appears as a villain to Hulk for her first few appearances. Later, she got back her memories and started assisting her green lover.
- Berserker Strength
- Energy Absorption
- Healing
- Intellect
- Invulnerability
- Radiation
- Swordsmanship
- Weapon Master
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#20 Batwoman

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: Detective Comics #233 in 1956
Our 20th on the list is a Bat-Family member and one of the very famous superheroes from the LGBTQ community.
Katherine Rebecca Kane, aka, Batwoman, did not have a pleasant life as she resigned from the army for being a lesbian. She became a hardcore party girl and had trouble finding true love in her life. But after watching Batman in action, she was determined to take on the mantle of Bat Woman and soon started her crime-fighting superhero career.
Batwoman wears a black costume like Batman, but her bat logo is red with her iconic red hair and a black cape whose inner part is red-colored. Katherine Kane does not shy away from using a gun to fight goons like most Bat-family members.
- Agility
- Escape Artist
- Gadgets
- Intellect
- Marksmanship
- Swordsmanship
- Tracking
- Weapon Master
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#19 Red Hood

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: Batman #357 in 1983
The 19th rank holder on our list is a former Boy Wonder of DC Comics, Jason Todd. Jason received lots of hate when he was Batman’s sidekick. So, Dennis O’Neil decided to kill off Jason as Robin with the result of the audience, which favored Jason’s death.
In the comics, Jason was brutally murdered by Joker but was revived by the Lazarus Pit. Jason had a troubled childhood and was taken in by Batman when he found him stealing Batmobile parts.
After Jason’s death, Batman blamed himself for failing to save him. Though Red Hood seems to be a villain and brutal compared to Batman’s philosophy, he is one of the best anti-heroes in DC Comics after almost wiping out all the criminals of Gotham.
Red Hood’s costume is not red, but his helmet and the bat logo are only red-colored. Jason as Red Hood gained vast popularity, which he didn’t have as Robin. This blood-thirsty anti-hero is everything that Batman is not.
- Agility
- Berserker Strength
- Escape Artist
- Gadgets
- Intellect
- Marksmanship
- Power Suit
- Weapon Master
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#18 Daredevil

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: Daredevil #1 in 1964
Marvel’s Daredevil is an obvious choice on our list and is the most famous blind superhero.
In his childhood, Matt Murdock lost his visibilities from an accident when he tried to save an older man from a radioactive waste-carrying truck. But this also enhanced his other senses like hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In the comics, he acts as a lawyer for superheroes, but he becomes a masked blind vigilante named Daredevil at night, who protects Hell’s Kitchen.
In his debut, Daredevil’s costume was different, but later, he started wearing a red outfit which gave him the look of a demon. His costume has a red-colored DD logo on his chest, and he always wields his signature weapon, the baton, customized to serve different purposes.
- Agility
- Danger Sense
- Escape Artist
- Gadgets
- Intellect
- Radar Sense
- Stamina
- Super Hearing
- Super Smell
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#17 Deadman

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: Strange Adventures #205 in 1967
DC’s list of characters has no end, and there is a fascinating but dark superhero team named Justice League Dark. Our list will focus on two of them; first, we will talk about Deadman.
Boston Brand was a well-known trapeze artist but was killed by The Hook during a performance. He was revived in an undead ghost form by the Hindu God of Balance, Rama Kushna. Boston was only revived because of his good deeds throughout his life.
Though all the living beings in the comics cannot see Deadman in the naked eyes as he is a ghost, he appears in a red outfit with a transparent body.
- Escape Artist
- Flight
- Immortal
- Invisibility
- Levitation
- Magic
- Possession
- Teleport
- Tracking
#16 Satana

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: Vampire Tales #2 in 1973
Satana comes from a devil lineage as she is half succubus and half human.
Victoria Wingate fell in love with Marduk Kurios, who controls multiple hells in the Marvel Universe. As a result, Satana and Hellstorm were born as offspring of their love. They stayed for a while at Greentown in Massachusetts. Though his brother did not embrace his lineage, Satana had no problem accepting her demon origins. That is why Satana is more experienced in using her powers than his brother, Hellstorm.
Though Satana’s outfit was changed multiple times in the comic, she is mainly seen in a red costume. After her banishment to Earth, she started making friends and teamed up with other supernatural superheroes.
- Animation
- Blast Power
- Fire Control
- Flight
- Hypnosis
- Immortality
- Magic
- Soul Absorption
#15 Etrigan the Demon

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: The Demon #1 in 1972
Another Justice League Dark member on our list is Etrigan the Demon. Etrigan is an odd one, as he is not accepted on both Earth and Hell.
Though there were two origin stories of this demon, the common thing is that he is from the Arthurian era. Merlin summoned his half-brother Etrigan from Hell and merged him with Jason Blood, who was depicted as a Druid. He was given the role of defending Camelot even in the modern age. Thus, Jason became immortal.
This fire-breathing, poetry-loving yellow demon always wears a red skin-tight costume with a blue cape on his back. Though Jason can be killed in his human form, Etrigan is immortal.
- Berserker Strength
- Claws
- Darkforce Manipulation
- Divine Powers
- Flame Breath
- Flight
- Healing
- Hellfire Control
- Immortal
#14 Plastic Man

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: Police Comics #1 in 1941
Plastic Man has not appeared extensively outside the pages of comics, but he is often considered one of the strongest characters in DC Comics by readers.
Though his origin story was changed a few times, he started his career as a thief. Patrick “Eel” O’Brian was assigned to a robbery at Crawford Chemical Works, and the situation went wrong. He was shot dead by the security guard, but he did not die as his body fell into a large container of an unknown chemical.
After returning to his senses, he found himself among the monks as they rescued him. Patrick found out that the chemical gave him the power of elasticity. Coming under those monks’ influence, Eel took Plastic Man’s name and became a superhero.
Though Plastic Man has started wearing a black and white costume, his popular look is a red costume suited to his elastic ability.
- Agility
- Chameleon
- Controlled Bone Growth
- Duplication
- Elasticity
- Healing
- Immortal
- Shape Shifter
- Size Manipulation
- Super Strength
#13 Hellboy

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
First Appearance: San Diego Comic-Con Comics #2 in 1993
Hellboy is the most famous superhero in Dark Horse Comics, but he is more like a paranormal detective. This red demon has gained vast popularity with Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy movie series.
During World War II, Hellboy was summoned by the Mad Monk, Grigori Rasputin, to bring chaos to Earth. But Allied Forces rescued the demonic child. Professor Broom, the founder of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, took the child under his wing, made him a paranormal investigator, and helped people from all the demonic and evil threats.
This stone-armed superhero’s body complexion is red as he is a descendant from Hell.
- Astral Projection
- Berserker Strength
- Cosmic Awareness
- Danger Sense
- Death Touch
- Gadgets
- Healing
- Hellfire Control
- Immortal
#12 Red Tornado

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: Justice League of America #64 in 1968
DC Comics’ Red Tornado, another Justice League member, to make our list. Red Tornado is treated like Marvel’s Vision, but their abilities are different than one another.
There were two tornado entities. Tornado Champion was on the good side, and with the help of the Justice League, the evil version, Tornado Tyrant, was defeated. As he decided to stay on Earth, he took over the body of an android designed by Professor T.O. Morrow to defeat the Justice Society of America. With his newfound body, Red Tornado decided to become a superhero and joined the Justice League of America.
Red Tornado’s primary ability is aerokinesis, and his body is red-colored with golden linings and a blue cape. His classic red appearance has not changed much with the evolution of comics.
- Flight
- Healing
- Immortal
- Invisibility
- Super Strength
- Weather Control
- Wind Bursts
#11 Hell Storm

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: Ghost Rider #1 in 1973
We cannot exclude Satana’s brother, Hellstorm, from our list as he is another superhero associated with red. Daimon is also half-human and half-demon, like his sister and more powerful than her.
Hellstorm and Satana’s origins are the same, but he defied his father’s devil lineage and embraced his mother’s human identity. He lacked dark and demonic skills like his sister but started to gain experience after becoming a demonologist. After some time, he started teaming up with other dark superheroes of Marvel.
Though the Son of Satan uses his powers for the betterment of society, he lacks control over his true demonic form. In the classic comics, Daimon appears in red trousers with a trident in his hand. But his later appearances looked duller, and he started wearing a red overcoat with a bald head and his iconic trident.
- Blast Power
- Dimensional Manipulation
- Divine Powers
- Flight
- Hellfire Control
- Immortal
- Magic
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#10 Red Hulk

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #1 in 1962
Many fictional comic book characters went through evolutions, and Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross was one of them. General Ross has appeared on our list with her daughter as he turned Red Hulk in Hulk vol. 3 #1 in 2008.
Though he deeply cared for his country and his daughter, he had hatred toward Bruce Banner and his alter-ego, the Hulk. After his daughter’s death at Abomination’s hands, General Ross decided to transform himself into a new version of Hulk with the help of MODOK. Though Red Hulk first appeared in many comic issues ago, Marvel did not reveal his true identity.
Red Hulk’s skin is red as he was created with a combination of gamma radiation and cosmic rays. He can easily transform back into his human form, unlike the green savage Hulk.
- Berserker Strength
- Blast Power
- Energy Absorption
- Healing
- Heat Generation
- Leadership
- Radiation
- Weapon Master
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#9 The Incredibles

Publisher: Disney
First Appearance: The Incredibles (2004)
The Incredibles is a superhero family of Mr. Incredible and Elasti Girl with their gifted three children.
Mr. Incredible and Elasti Girl were two of the most famous superheroes of the sixties. After some controversies and public safety reasons, all the superheroes went into hiding and started to live normal human lives. Mr. Incredible and Elasti Girl were no exceptions, and they married each other. They are the leaders, and their two children, Violet and Dash, do not listen much to their parents’ sayings. But the newborn Jack-Jack is on some other level.
All the members of this superhero family have different sets of powers. Their suits were designed according to their nature of powers. But the red color and the ‘i’ logo are the common aspects in all of their superhero suits. They all were designed by Edna Marie “E” Mode, as she is a genius in these matters.
Mr. Incredible
- Berserker Strength
- Gadgets
- Invulnerability
- Adaptive
- Agility
- Berserker Strength
- Controlled Bone Growth
- Density Control
- Elasticity
- Shape Shifter
- Size Manipulation
- Escape Artist
- Force Field
- Invisibility
- Levitation
- Telekinesis
- Agility
- Stamina
- Super Speed
- Blast Power
- Chemical Secretion
- Density Control
- Dimensional Manipulation
- Electricity Control
- Fire Control
- Flight
- Invisibility
- Shape Shifter
#8 Spider-Man

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15 in 1962
Our 8th on our list is Peter Parker’s friendly neighborhood Spiderman from Marvel Comics. There are very few comic book superheroes, who have such a large fanbase as Spidey.
Peter Parker became Spiderman when he was bitten by a radioactive spider. He used his powers to fight street-level goons and is primarily active in New York City. Most teenage boys could relate to him as he always struggled with money and faced many obstacles to continuing his studies. Peter is also a brilliant student.
Stan Lee’s best creation Spiderman appears in his legendary red and blue costume, and our list of red superheroes is nothing without mentioning this wall-clinging superhero.
- Agility
- Berserker Strength
- Danger Sense
- Feral
- Gadgets
- Intellect
- Siphon Abilities
- Wall Clinger
- Webslinger
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#7 Iron Man

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #39 in 1963
Without the emergence of Marvel Studios, Ironman did not have that much popularity. Still, Robert Downey Jr. took the character to a new level and has become a pop-cultural symbol of superheroes.
Tony Stark, the son of Howard Stark, created his first Ironman armor when he was kidnapped. He stopped developing weapons and built his armor with his high intellect and vast wealth. Tony also played a significant role in assembling the Avengers team.
Ironman appeared in silver-colored armor for the first time in the comics. With the character’s evolution, his look changed into the famous red and golden armor. Though Tony’s Ironman is dead in the MCU, his comic book appearances are still ongoing, and you can enjoy many different Ironman storylines by reading the comics.
- Blast Power
- Electricity Control
- Energy Shield
- Flight
- Gadgets
- Holographic Projection
- Insanely Rich
- Intellect
- Power Suit
- Weapon Master
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#6 Gladiator

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #107 in 1977
Kallark, with the codename Gladiator, is the loyal protector of the Shi’ar throne. Because of his loyalty to his throne, Gladiator is mostly seen fighting Earth’s superheroes. But he has also fought alongside the other galactic superheroes when cosmic-level threats come to threaten the Marvel universe.
As the best fighter of the Shi’ar Empire, he fought many battles and became the Praetor of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard. After his massive involvement in the Shi’ar-Kree War, Kallark was promoted to the position of Majesty by the people of the Shi’ar populace, even after Lilandra’s death.
Kallark’s superhero costume is a red and blue suit, mostly colored red, with a red cape and a golden triangle logo on his chest. Gladiator is not a superhero to Earth as he only acts for the Shi’ar Empire’s interests.
- Berserker Strength
- Blast Power
- Flight
- Healing
- Heat Vision
- Leadership
- Longevity
- Super Speed
- Wind Bursts
#5 Deadpool

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: New Mutants #98 in 1991
Deadpool had a different fan base even before coming to the cinematic universe. Readers often think that Marvel created this character as a parody of DC’s Deathstroke.
This mad mutant was not like that. Wade Wilson became a mercenary, but his incurable brain cancer forced him to be a Weapon X program test subject. He thought that this might cure his disease. Though Wade successfully survived the experiment, the event left him mentally unbalanced. This fourth-wall-breaking superhero still acts as a mutant mercenary who kills for money.
Deadpool always wears a red and black costume which has lots of resemblance to Spiderman’s costume design. This ‘Merc with a mouth’ is famous for his brutality and dark comedy.
- Berserker Strength
- Controlled Bone Growth
- Enhance Mutation
- Escape Artist
- Gadgets
- Healing
- Immortal
- Invulnerability
- Marksmanship
- Weapon Master
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#4 Orion

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: New Gods #1 in 1971
Orion is the God of War among the New Gods. He is also one of the most featured New Gods in comics.
Though Orion was a son of Darkseid, he was raised by Highfather because of the peace treaty between New Genesis and Apokolips. The most hotheaded New Gods of New Genesis struggles to suppress his brutal nature by birth.
Orion is mainly shown using a device to travel in the comics and TV shows named Astro Harness. Though he received different changes throughout the comics, his red-colored superhero costume has not changed much since his debut. Orion was once considered as powerful as Superman, but the New 52 version has introduced a slightly less powerful version of him.
- Berserker Strength
- Cosmic Awareness
- Divine Powers
- Energy Manipulation
- Flight
- Gadgets
- Immortal
- Weapon Master
#3 Shazam

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: Whiz Comics #2 in 1940
Captain Marvel’s first journey from Fawcett Publications to DC Comics is no less than amazing. Because of Marvel’s Captain Marvel, DC renamed Billy’s superhero alter-ego to Shazam.
Young Billy Batson became Shazam with the power of Solomon’s wisdom, Hercules’ strength, Atlas’ stamina, courage from Achilles, Mercury’s speed, and the power of Zeus. In the Darkseid War comic saga, these Greek gods’ borrowed powers were replaced by the DC’s New Gods: Zonuz, Atë, S’ivaa, H’ronmeer, Anapel, and Mamaragan. These New Gods made Shazam more powerful.
Shazam wears a red skin-tight costume; that is enchanted with magic and white half of his height cape on his back. Shazam is one of those rare superheroes who can fight against Superman on the same level.
- Berserker Strength
- Blast Power
- Divine Powers
- Electricity Control
- Energy Manipulation
- Flight
- Healing
- Immortal
- Magic
#2 Scarlet Witch

Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: The X-Men #4 in 1964
Wanda Maximoff, aka, The Scarlet Witch, is one of the most powerful superheroes associated with red.
Wanda is the daughter of Magneto, and she developed mutant abilities like her brother in their childhood days. She developed a romantic relationship with both Wonder Man and Vision. Though the MCU has changed almost everything about Wanda’s origin stories, some things are still the same between them.
Wanda always wears a red costume with a cape of the same color, and the live-action version has maintained this about Wanda. Wanda’s magic spells are also shown in the color red in the MCU. Despite having vast overpowered abilities, we cannot put her in the top spot as she is not mentally stable.
- Astral Projection
- Blast Power
- Darkforce Manipulation
- Healing
- Levitation
- Magic
- Reality Manipulation
- Soul Absorption
- Telekinesis
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#1 The Flash

Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: Flash Comics #1 in 1940
Here comes number one on our list, The Flash. Flash is not the strongest, but he can defeat any hero on our list with his trickeries. There are different versions of Flash in the DC Universe, but only Barry Allen and Wally West are the strongest among them.
Jay Garrick was the ‘Original Flash,’ and Barry Allen and Wally West took over the mantle after him. Later, Barry Allen became one of the founding members of the Justice League. All the DC Speedsters’ speed comes from the speed force, but Barry and Jay better understood it than anyone else in the DC Universe.
The common thing about ‘The Flashes’ is that they wear red costumes. Barry and Wally both wear a red skin-tight bodysuit with a yellow logo of lightning on their chests.
- Electricity Control
- Healing
- Inertia Absorption
- Intellect
- Light Projection
- Super Speed
- Super Strength
- Time Manipulation
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We thank you for sticking with us till the end and here are a few honorable mentions that didn’t make into our list.
Honorable Mentions
- Elektra
- Magneto
- Inferno
- Azazel
- American Crusader
- Captain Comet
- Jemm
- Mon-El
- Quasar
- Peacemaker
- Mr. Majestic
- Icon
- Superior
- Hyperion
- Ultraman
- Vision
- Adam Strange
- Superman Red
- Scarlet Spider
- Crimson Avenger
- Carol Danvers
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That’s it. We have only focused on superheroes this time. Supervillains like Carnage, Mephisto, and Red Skull don’t fit the criteria of being a superhero. Some of them have also been featured in the section of honorable mentions. We hope you enjoyed reading our countdown of red superheroes.
Which red superhero do you like the most? Let us know it all on our Instagram handle here and do visit averagebeing.com for awesome superhero content.