If you are on the look for fellow queers then this is the right place to be as we listed out the most iconic LGBTQ+ superheroes in all of comics.
Taking a superhero as an inspiration is cool but what if they were the same as you?
Some superheroes may openly admit that they’re into the queer community but others took a long time before writers officially open up about their sexuality.
These LGBTQ heroes make the fictional world of comics a bit more colorful and leave an ever-lasting impression that anyone can be a superhero.
Here we’re counting down the top 17 LGBTQ+ superheroes who doesn’t hesitate to wave the rainbow flag.
17# Iceman

Confirmation: X-Men Gold #31
Partner: Infectia
Bobby Drake aka Iceman is one of the original members of the X-men but did you know that he is into the LGBTQ+ community?
The superhero who can turn himself into ice was revealed as gay in the All-New X-Men #40 comic.
In X-Men #400, The time travel arc opens up about having multiple superheroes from the mutants. One of them is the younger version of Iceman.
This version of Iceman has verbally confirmed himself as gay but the older version isn’t and is dating Kitty Pryde, a female teammate.
The confusing thing is that the new younger Iceman is now dating a young mutant known as Infectia.
With all this confusion, We got to the end of it and the truth is when both versions of Iceman met, The younger one asks about his sexuality to which Iceman replied that he’s been hiding it the entire time and living in a closet.
This reassures Iceman as a queer and is one of the notable superheroes in the LGBTQ+ community.
16# Aqualad

Confirmation: Young Justice: Outsiders
Partner: Wyynde
As straight and as Jason Momoa is, His successor to the throne is a queer. Kaldur is the son of Aquaman’s villain Black Manta.
He is born to Black Manta and an Atlantean woman named Sha’lain’a. The successor of Orin operates at the king’s side and is a member of the “Young Justice.”
In Episode 20 of Young Justice: Outsiders, We can see Kaldur sharing a kiss with Wyynde, A member of the underwater court of King Orion.
Moreover, Even a fan asks Creator Greg Weisman if Kaldur is straight, He replied, “You sure?” This confirms Aqualad as gay and allows the Atlantean to join the LGBTQ+ superheroes.
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15# Time Drake

Confirmation: Batman: Urban Legends
Partner: Bernard
One of the well-known superheroes from the Batfamily is known to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community.
The third Robin has been confirmed as a queer in Batman: Urban Legends #6 issue.
Though he has been in many complicated relationships in his run, Tim Drake’s most romantic date is with Bernand.
With more superheroes joining the LGBTQ+ community, Tim Drake’s sexuality is bound to go deep in the future comics.
14# Catwoman

Confirmation: Catwoman #39
Partner: Eiko
Adding to the ever-growing list of LGBTQ+ superheroes in the DC universe. Catwoman joins the queer community.
In Catwoman #39 issue, The flirtatious, hyper-sexualized Selina Kyle shares a kiss with Eiko but what does this mean to Batman?
To clear up this mess, Valentine told, “Catwoman is indeed bisexual, and please be assured that Selina’s long-lasting connection to Batman has not been forgotten and that is not how bisexuality works.”
With Batman’s occasional nemesis and love interest in the LGBTQ+ community, Fans can expect more encounters amongst other superheroes in the same queer list.
13# Valkyrie

Confirmation: Fearless Defenders
Partner: Dr. Annabaelle Riggs
The famous warrior from Asgard is also a queer and is the first LGBTQ+ superhero to appear in Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Though Valkyrie’s sexuality isn’t revealed in any of the Thor films, Comics made it pretty open.
Tessa Thompson, The actor who played Valkyrie tweeted that, “Yes! Val is Bi in the comics and I was faithful to that in her depiction. But her sexuality isn’t explicitly addressed in Thor: Ragnarok.”
Even the MCU president, Kevin Fiege stated that Thor: Love and Thunder will not only explore the hammer-wielding god’s adventure but Valkyrie will also find her queen in this film.
Note: Did you know that a scene that confirms Valkyrie’s Bi-sexuality was cut from Thor: Ragnarok film.
Nonetheless, A queer warrior from Asgard is super huge for the LGBTQ+ superhero line up and maybe someday we get to watch a stand-alone film of Valkyrie.
12# Ultimate Colossus

Confirmation: Marvel’s Ultimate X-Men
Partner: Kurt
As we all knew Colossus is a beast of a character from the X-men family but an alternate version of this mutant the Ultimate Colossus belongs to the LGBTQ+ community.
This superhero shares a relationship with his friend Northstar who is one of the first superheroes to be confirmed as a queer but he’s had another major partner in the form of Kurt.
With the success of the MCU franchise, It’s about time that Marvel reintroduces Colossus as a queer superhero in the Deadpool films.
11# Batwoman

Confirmation: New 52 #7
Partner: Renee Montoya, and Maggie Sawyer
When I said DC is pushing more superheroes into the LGBTQ+ community, I wasn’t kidding.
Katherine Rebecca “Kate” Kane aka Batwoman is a long-running contender to join the community. In the earlier comics, Batwoman used to be straight and even hooked up with Batman several times but the newest version of Batwoman is revealed to be a lesbian.
In 2006’s New 52 #7, Kate Kane was confirmed as of Jewish descendant who also turned out to be a lesbian.
Batwoman has been in and out of several relationships but the ones that highlight bisexuality is with Renee Montoya and Maggie Sawyer who both are surprisingly female police officers.
10# Poison Ivy

Confirmation: Harley Quinn #25
Partner: Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Batwoman
I knew you saw this coming from a mile away but if we include Harley Quinn in this list of LGBT+ superheroes why not her partner.
Franklin, the writer of the spinoff comic, has confirmed on Twitter that Poison Ivy is bisexual in the Harley Quinn universe.
In June 2015, Writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner stated that Poison Ivy was romantically involved with Harley Quinn in the Harley Quinn series “without the jealousy of monogamy”.
The same has been confirmed by the official DC Twitter handle in the past.
As Ivy shares a same-sex relationship with Harley Quinn, This is no surprise at all. This makes the crazy popular queer couple stand out in all of comics.
In fact, Fans are looking for more in the upcoming Gotham City Sirens film.
9# John Constantine

Confirmation: Constantine the Hellblazer #1
Partner: Oliver
Would you be surprised if I say DC’s most powerful Hellblazer is also a queer?
In 1992, John Constantine is revealed to have both male and female exes.
John Constantine has been confirmed as bisexual in “Ashes and Dust in the City of Angels.”
This particular portrayal of Constantine has changed his sexuality altogether.
The ever-smoking magician was confirmed as a queer and writers like James Tynion who is also bisexual seem to expand his queerness into more stories.
Note: John Constantine is bisexual canonically for the animated universe but not for the DC Comics universe.
8# America Chavez

Confirmation: Ultimates volume 2 #5
Partner: Lisa Halloran
With DC superheroes dominating the LGBTQ+ community, Marvel does have a few characters that are worth mentioning.
America Chavez aka Miss America is a lesbian and is Marvel’s first Latin-American LGBTQ superhero.
The 16-year-old teenage queer is said to be one of the promising superheroes in Marvel Comics. Raised by two mothers in a parallel universe, Chavez can hit pretty hard.
This one-of-a-kind superhero is a part of the West Coast Avengers and is very likely to get a solo fixture after the massive success of the Black Panther film.
7# Jonathan Kent

Confirmation: Superman – Son of Kal-El
Partner: Jay Nakamura
What if I tell you DC comics are pushing more and more superheroes into the LGBTQ+ community?
If you do not believe it then here you go.
Clark Kent and Lois Lane’s original son, Jonathan Kent was announced to be bisexual in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5. During Pride month, DC comics have released some variant covers for the comic edition and it confirms that the new direction is indeed happening.
From the cover image, we can see Jonathan Kent sharing a kiss with Jay Nakamura, A reporter, and friend of Jonathan.
The decision to have a high-profile future superhero in the LGBTQ+ community is to ensure that the comics expand the scope of LGBTQ representation in their stories.
6# Mystique

Confirmation: History of the Marvel Universe
Partner: Destiny
The superhero mutant from the X-Men family is also a part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Unlike other superheroes, Mystique has confirmed it on many occasions.
Long before the whole LGBTQ+ boom in the industry, The proud queer mutant is married to Destiny, A fellow mutant who can accurately predict future events.
The LGBTQ+ superhero from the X-mem team shares a same-gender relationship with Destiny.
Mystique has been an original member of the X-men team clinging to the queer community for a long time.
This iconic superhero is sure to be taken as an inspiration if you belong to the LGBTQ+ community.
5# Alan Scott

Confirmation: DC Rebirth initiative
Partner: Sam Zhao
Yes, You may be surprised to see this superhero in the LGBTQ+ community but Alan Scott is revealed as gay in the comics.
The original Green Lantern has been around since 1940 but DC comics confirmed that he indeed belongs to the queer community in 2012.
The Lantern is reimagined as a gay character who belongs to Earth 2.
One interesting fact is that Alan Scott’s son Obsidian has been gay since 2004 but the Green Lantern has been introduced into the LGBTQ+ community in recent times, adding more power to queers.
4# Harley Quinn

Confirmation: Injustice 2 #70
Partner: Poison Ivy, and Catwoman
Harley Quinn’s most known love interest is the Joker but she’s been onto several other relationships, More importantly into the bisexual ones.
In Harley Quinn issue #5, DC comics revealed that the clown princess of crime is lovesick with Poison Ivy.
DC’s popular supervillain is reintroduced as a queer and that changes everything in fans’ perspective.
In 2015, Writers Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti confirmed that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are non-monogamous girlfriends.
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series points out this very nature of their relationship as the queer couple go out on dates and hang out with each other.
With Harley Quinn confirmed as a queer, People have had all sorts of theories as she interacts with Wonder Woman, Power Girl, and many other characters from the DC universe.
Making Harley Quinn as a queer has gone well for DC as it did for Marvel in Loki’s case. Anyway, The LGBTQ+ community is looking bright with more and more superheroes added into it.
3# Loki

Confirmation: Young Avengers #15
Partner: Sylvie, Lorelei,and Sigyn
This is no surprise that Loki one of the most popular Marvel superheroes is into the LGBTQ+ community.
With the recent success of Disney’s Loki series, The God of Mischief is confirmed to be a gay character and has almost had sex with himself.
The trickster is known to take on many forms and identities in his run but what many people don’t know is writer Al Ewing confirmed Loki as bisexual way back in 2014’s Loki: Agent of Asgard.
Add to that, The Asgardians don’t really care about the sexuality of the citizens as Odin himself referred to Loki as both male and female.
While Marvel has to gamble on the representation of LGBTQ+ superheroes with Loki. The God of Mischief fits as a queer with ease and has become an iconic figure for the community.
2# Wonder Woman

Confirmation: Wonder Woman #12
Partner: Kaisa
The Symbol of Feminism, The Goddess of War, Champion of Themyscira is one of the most popular superheroes in all comics but the recent storylines tilt her towards the LGBTQ+ community.
Wonder Woman was created by the brilliant psychologist, Charles Moulton who also invented the lie detector machine and polygraph.
Though Moulton was a radical feminist, He incorporated many of his ideal characteristics into Wonder Woman and made her an icon amongst women.
But over the years, The Princess of Themyscira has been through many writers and lived in a number of stories. This allowed her to turn into a true hero rather than being a feminist icon.
When asked about her sexuality, “Wonder Woman: Rebirth” writer Greg Rucka explained, “The answer is obviously, Yes. The female superhero has had romantic lesbian relationships and continues to be a queer character for all time.”
With Diana of Themyscira in the LGBTQ+ community, People are bound to take her as an example and be a superhero in their own lives.
1# Northstar

Confirmation: Astonishing X-Men #51
Partner: Kyle Jinadu
If you want to know about LGBTQ+ superheroes then who’s better than Northstar aka the first LGBT superhero in comics.
This superhero in particular has been written as an all-out gay character from the get-go.
This is at the time when Marvel, DC didn’t encourage queers and openly gay superheroes to be in the comics.
Created by John Byrne, Northstar debuted in 1979 but has not said anything about being gay until 1992.
The creator Burne said, “Even if I was never allowed to say that Northstar is gay, He designed the superhero to be a queer right from the start.”
The first gay superhero confirmed the fans his sexuality in 1992’s Alpha Fight issue number #106 as he openly said, “I am gay.”
Though Marvel’s ideas about this superhero were different, It became a huge hit amongst fans and everyone accepted the character.
Later, Marvel reinvented themselves with the first same-sex marriage between Northstar and Kyle Jinadu in 2012’s Astonishing X-Men #51.
This whole scenario lead to the boom of LGBTQ+ superheroes in comics as people of all kinds loved the characters even when they were gay.
That brings an end to our most iconic LGBTQ+ superheroes list.
You can probably point out a few of them as queers even before reading this article but with these superheroes’ inclusion in the LGBTQ+ community, They can be much more than just fictional characters.
These queers may be superheroes but fans can connect to them on a personal level with their sexuality being revealed.
So, Which LGBTQ+ superhero is your favorite?
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Check This Out
Who was the first LGBT superhero?
Created by Chris Claremont and John Byrne, Northstar is the first LGBT superhero ever. Northstar made his first appearance in X-Men #120 in April 1979.
He is a member of the Canadian superhero team and the Alpha Flight. Northstar’s first edition of comics sold out in a week but the character never knew fame in the eyes of fans.
We hope Marvel brings him into the MCU soon.
LGBT Superheroes In Marvel
There are a total of 56 LGBT superheroes in Marvel. Let’s see each and every one of them from both comics and the MCU.
1# LGBTQ Superheroes In Marvel Comics
- Loa
- Quasar
- Nico Minoru
- Star Brand
- Freedom Ring
- Jackpot
- Blackcat
- Mercury
- Dyna-Mite
- Gabby Kinney
- Hulkling
- Hercules
- Speed
- Yukio
- Prodigy
- Red Sonja
- Northstar
- Striker
- Karma
- Mariko Yashida
- Deadpool
- Union Jack
- Moondragon
- Riot
- Noh-Varr
- Anole
- Draken
- Jennifer Kale
- Stacy X
- Julie Power
- Black Widow
- Shatterstar
- Graymalkin
- Wiccan
- Korg
- Inertia
- Mystique
- Giant-Man
- Karolina Dean
- Jackpot
- Flatman
- Valkyrie
- Pinky Pinkerton
- Hiroim
- Iceman
- Living Lightning
- Pyro
- Destroyer
- Phyla-Vell
- Xavin
- Doop
- America Chavez
- Cullen Bloodstone
- Demolition Man
- Psylocke
- Ultimate Colossus
2# LGBTQ Superheroes In The MCU
- Loki
- Valkyrie
- Korg
- Deadpool
- Negasonic Teenage Warhead
- Yukio
- Sylvie
- Phastos
- Wiccan
- Ayo
Female LGBTQ Marvel Characters
When it comes down to female LGBTQ characters Marvel has their wide spread. Here’s a list of every female LGBTQ Marvel Character.
- Valkyrie
- Sylvie
- Ayo
- Yukio
- Negasonic Teenage Warhead
- America Chavez
- Mystique
- Blackcat
- Inertia
- Blackcat
- Inertia
- Julie Power
- Mariko Yashida
- Loa
LGBTQ Superheroes In DC
Similar to Marvel, DC has many LGBTQ superheroes. In fact, DC has more LGBTQ superheroes than Marvel. With a total of 85 LGBTQ superheroes, DC comics stand tall in the queer community.
Here’s a list of every LGBTQ superhero from DC comics.
- Hero Cruz
- Gear
- Negative Man
- Lucifer Morningstar
- Promethea
- Olympian
- Harper Row
- Nura Nal
- Manhunter
- Grace Choi
- Bunker
- El Dorado
- Obsidian
- Comet
- Nia Nal
- Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
- Triumph
- Icemaiden
- Starfire
- Scandal Savage
- Coagula
- Hippolyta
- Savant
- Firebrand
- Sara Lance
- Pied Piper
- Catwoman
- Jericho
- Jon Kent
- Kate Kane
- Off-Ramp
- Brainiac 5
- Chemical King
- Dawnstar
- Ayla Ranzz
- Natasha Irons
- Nyssa al Ghul
- Leo Snart
- Mala
- Black Condor
- Starman
- The Movement
- Curtis Holt
- Shining Knight
- Catman
- Ray
- Nora West-Allen
- Alan Scott
- Extraño
- Tefé Holland
- Apollo
- Judomaster
- John Constantine
- Ray
- Bart Allen
- Nubia
- Traci Thirteen
- Thunder
- Madame Xanadu
- Nyssa Raatko
- Philippus
- Shim’Tar
- Element Lad
- Maxima
- Mento
- Josiah Power
- Holly Robinson
- Swift
- Renee Montoya
- Midnighter
- Tim Drake
- Wonder Woman
- Salu Digby
- Poison Ivy
- Invisible Kid
- John Constantine
- Madame Fatal
- Kaldur’ahm
- Justice League Queer
- Mister Terrific
- Harley Quinn
- Jenny Sparks
- Tasmanian Devil
- Neon the Unknown
- Citizen Cold
Female LGBTQ DC Characters
As of now, DC has 13 female LGBTQ characters. We’ve listed all of them below for you.
- Madame Fatal
- Wonder Woman
- Poison Ivy
- Maxima
- Madame Xanadu
- Traci Thirteen
- Apollo
- Thunder
- Kate Kane
- Catwoman
- Hippolyta
- Starfire
- Harley Quinn
LGBTQ Superheroes In Movies
- Loki
- Deadpool
- Wonder woman
- Catwoman
- Batwoman
- Phastos
- Mystique
- Valkyrie
- Ayo
- Negasonic Teenage Warhead
- The Ray
- Korg
- Thunder
- Shatterstar
LGBT Superheroes Netflix
LGBTQ superheroes have become a common thing in this era. But Netflix has some dedicated shows that involve or are run by an LGBTQ character. Here’s a list of all LGBT superheroes from Netflix.
- Q-Force
- Super Drags
- Black Lightning
- Arrow
- The Flash
- Legends of Tomorrow
- Supergirl
LGBTQ Superhero Shows And Movies
The only medium to experience our favorite LGBTQ superhero is on a screen. Be it big or small, LGBTQ superheroes are everywhere. From Marvel’s Eternals to Netflix Q-Force, Here’s a list of LGBTQ superhero shows and movies.
- Eternals
- Q-Force
- Super Drags
- Black Lightning
- The Old Guard
- Arrow
- The Flash
- Legends of Tomorrow
- Supergirl
- Batwoman
Enjoy Your Holiday Season With These
What do you think of LGBTQ superheroes? Do you think we’ll see more of the queer family added into the comics?
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