Search Results: Instagram (1026)
Demon Slayer or Kimetsu no Yaiba is one of the best anime you’ll ever watch. This shows all the emotions…
Endless crushing on an anime character? Check. Scintillating personality? Check. Unlimited doses of “Kawai-ness?.” Check. A true wife-material? Check. And…
Hi there! You know what? It’s finally time to give you another banger blog you will love and enjoy. Do you…
If you watch a lot of anime, you must have come across the yuri genre. But if you are new…
Nowadays, the superhero genre is the most trending one in every domain, and games are no exception. Everyone secretly dreams…
Animation and anything related to it is subjective. That said, when the animation makes you want to search about the…
We all tried at least once to look like a superhero in our childhood which, to be specific, is by…
Hey there! I think it’s time to give you a banger blog that’ll make your day. We all love martial…
Kyoto Animation – A reliable name to bet your time on. If the name of the anime studio sounds elite…
Hey there, my dear Otaku chums. Well, today’s topic is unique, and boys, I’m sorry to say this is not…
Overpowered Main Character. i.e. OP MC in anime was, is, and always will be popular due to its endless entertaining…
Do you know that the idea of masked heroes originated from 19th-century French play? If you are fascinated with masked…
Hey there, my dear weebs! I hope you all are doing well. So, do you know about Gore-themed anime? You…
The demand for comics has risen to a different level with the emergence of Marvel and DC Cinematic Universes. The…
Kawaii nee……These couple of words are very-common in anime. In Japanese, kawaii means cute, be it a living being or…