Author: Aaheli Pradhan

Aaheli Pradhan is a force to be reckoned with - a feisty grandma who lives life on her own terms. With a deep love for BL manga and a firm belief that Maggi is the national dish, she proudly embraces her inner weeb. Beyond her love for all things anime and pop culture, Aaheli is a multi-talented individual with a never-ending list of hobbies. From knitting to drawing, her creative pursuits know no bounds. But beware - her revenge of choice is spoiling every series you watch, so don't dare cross her! As an author, Aaheli brings a unique perspective to her writing, infusing her stories with her passion for all things geeky. Her ability to blend humor, heart, and a touch of quirkiness makes her a standout in the literary world. With her sharp wit and creative prowess, Aaheli is a rising star who is not to be underestimated.
It’s not every day that someone gets pursued by a super secret detective emergency, and even if they do, you’d expect them to be high-profile criminals and not a simple Youtuber. This is why the recent Pinkerton case has puzzled everyone so much. Why would the agency send its men to investigate a YouTuber? They were employed by Wizards of Coast, the same company specializing in RPG and trading card games. The company suspected that trading cards were dripped before their release date and took measures to defend their property. How did the cards even get leaked? Who is the…
One fine Monday, Elon Musk went ahead and landed himself in trouble as he accidentally revealed his alternate Twitter account. The Twitter CEO is the center of controversy every other day, so you better believe people took this chance to discover his deepest darkest secrets. In this secret account, Elon Musk hides behind the innocent face of his son to ask people if they like Japanese girls. Everyone indulges in shitposting, but imagine if your history of errors was posted online for the whole world to criticize. That’s a traumatizing nightmare right there, and Musk is living through it right…
Don Lemon, the American journalist who most recently co-hosted CNN This Morning, was sacked by the company just hours ago. According to sources, Lemon has always used his race and sexuality as a ‘get out of jail free’ pass. He was also involved in hostile and misogynistic behavior against his colleagues. One such misogynistic comment regarding politician Nikki Haley is what drove the final nail into his coffin. Lemon’s misbehavior towards colleagues, especially women, goes back a long way. The gay anchor was pulled from shows that required him to co-host with women, that is, until he was featured in…
Tucker Carlson, formerly one of Fox News untouchable representatives, has been fired with little to no notice. The news has taken the world by storm as Tucker Carlson Tonight was often the biggest eyeball grabber for the channel. A few hours ago, the announcement was abruptly made as the network stated, “Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.” In fact, the decision was so sudden that Fox didn’t allow Carlson to have a proper last episode on…
Love Everlasting is a wonderful medley of romance, trauma, and tragedy. Its ending reminds us how ‘happily ever after’ is rarely the reality. It doesn’t have a very popular ending but is open to originality. Featuring Lucky Blue Smith, Love Everlasting was the acting debut of the famous model. It was even shot in Utah, which is Lucky’s hometown. The local scenic beauty makes the film stand out from others of its genre. The 1 hour 33 minutes long movie puts worth its best leg forward but is an underrated gem since it came out at the same time as…
Remember the cult classic movie Shazaam? The comedian Sinbad stars as a genie who helps out Max figure out his difficult childhood. If you remember the movie with crystal clarity and love Sinbad because of it, congrats, your memory has pulled the biggest April Fools’ trick on you. A movie called Shazaam with Sinbad never even existed! Yes, you read it right. The movie you are talking about is probably Kazaam, featuring Shaq. Take your time going on a Google sprint, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when you see no trace of Sinbad and Shazaam. So why do…
Everything Meghan Trainor does goes viral. While it’s good news for her songs, it’s not so great for her controversial statements. Recently the singer dropped the F-bomb in her podcast, which did not land well with the public. To be more specific, she said, “F*** teachers.” This alone is enough to make people start raging, especially in today’s world, where anything can be taken out of context and used as a solo clip to generate views and hatred. The good news is that Meghan did apologize for her mistake. It was probably driven by the hate comments she received as…
Ryan Gosling, the main man behind all the Hey Girls memes, has once again been trolled by the internet. Can you really blame them, though? Fans love the fun personality of the actor, and what other way to show your love than some personalized memes? This time, the joke went over many people’s heads and created a frenzy. The question that every Gosling fan is asking right now is: Which anime did Ryan Gosling dub? This is a result of a TikTok post claiming that the actor has dubbed some of the most popular anime characters. It obviously made fans…
Has Bud Light’s deal with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney caused the company to lose millions? That’s what recent rumors state, but the facts are yet to be unearthed. The hatred against the LGBTQ community has flared once again, affecting a major company now. In early April, Bud Light had sent a beer to Mulvaney with her face on the can. It was a marketing tactic that the company used with tons of other influencers and celebrities. Little did they know how bad it would backfire. People were seen responding violently to the deal as if drinking Bud Light would turn…
Will Ferrel does not let go of his comedian spirit even during his off-time. Ferrel channeled his inner LA Kings fan at the LA Kings-Oilers match held in April 2023. Oftentimes celebrities can be seen cheering for their favs in games, but Ferrel made sure that his support is really palpable through his silver and black painted face. Unless the viral tweets pointed it out, you would never know it was Will, even if you were right beside him. Yes, He is indeed a SUPER-FAN of LA Kings. Some fans even claim that his makeup was enough to help him…
Elon Musk makes headlines almost as frequently as America’s current president, and that’s really saying something. The tech-mogul bought Twitter in April 2022, and ever since then, Musk-heads have been asking: What’s next on his list? Recently, rumors regarding Elon Musk’s next acquisition have been making the rounds on social media, and apparently, he has his eyes on Meta next! Elon Musk’s fame and heavy account are no surprise. After buying Twitter, Musk went on an employee firing spree and then made the blue tick available to anybody with a few extra bucks to spare. His wild horse-like personality makes…
Ever clicked unsuspectingly on a mobile or PC ad and then made a disappointed face when it inevitably directed you to a gambling page? Betting and gambling are just everywhere nowadays. Makes you wonder how players in major league sports control themselves from giving in to these eye-catching lures. Well, I can’t vouch for others, but I can tell you that NFL players are allowed to wager on any sport other than NFL football. Then what about all those NFL employees who get suspended for gambling every other day? That’s because the rule is only for players. As surprising as…
You might not know this, but the actor and actress behind Deadpool and Black Widow were actually married to each other. Yes, they divorced long before they found their superhero roles, and their marriage was so short-lived that it is hardly discussed. Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson were married for two short years but have now moved on and found love. So why the great divide? Both Reynolds and Johansson are known to be frank and open-hearted people with the added benefit of a silver tongue. According to Johansson’s latest interview, maturity is a big player in the game. Despite…
Dead Island is the type of game that can convince any adult regarding the violent effects of video games on people. Is that enough to deter gamers from buying its sequel game super early? Nope. This time, the zombies are coming to LA and San Francisco, providing you with lots of opportunities to paint the cities in red (with blood, of course). Dead Island 2 dropped today, and gamers worldwide have taken to social media websites to express their opinion on it. The biggest question? Is Dead Island 2 worth its full price? Pro-gamers have stated that while the story…
Space X’s Starship rocket exploded minutes after taking to the sky, bringing down with it Elon Musk’s dream to make spaceflight an affordable reality. Humanity might still be far from colonizing other planets, but Space X’s progress is still undeniable. Space X has been planning a heavy lift vehicle since as early as 2005. While the development of Starship has followed an often destructive road, all the test launches have provided valuable data for the next launch. The two-stage rocket ship that took odd on April 20, 2023, climbed around 25 miles before it tumbled around, eventually exploding as the…