Author: Shweta Mudaliar

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Over the last two years, Shweta has somehow managed to juggle between headlines and deadlines, alongside earning a post-graduate degree in Mass Communication. Her love for storytelling shines through in her writing. No matter the language or the genre, all films pique her interest. Based out of Mumbai, Shweta has an affinity for all kinds of media that began at a young age. With over 500 articles to her credit, she is currently creating Hollywood and pop culture content. When she's not busy gushing over the work of her favorite filmmakers and television creators, she’s struggling to find the time to make it through her ever-expanding anime watch list. Even before she could call herself a Journalist, Shweta took up teaching German in her free time, which she still continues to do for the love she has for the language (Or to help people say Kraftfahrzeughaftpflictversicherung without a stammer!) Good food and sunsets make her gloomy days a bit better!

Get ready to be swept away by the incredible story of Diana Nyad, the real-life aqua hero who left a splashy mark on the world of open-water swimming. Picture this: 110 miles of sheer aquatic determination, starting in beautiful Havana, Cuba, and ending on the sun-kissed shores of Key West, Florida. But hold onto your swim caps because this oceanic odyssey is filled with twists and turns! Diana Nyad successfully swam from Cuba to Florida, covering a distance of about 110 miles in 2013. The controversy around her swim revolved around questions about the consistency of her swim speed and…

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Hey there, radio fans, have you ever tuned in to your favorite show only to find your go-to DJ has vanished into thin air?  Well, that’s what happened in the mysterious case of Skip Mahaffey – the man of the hour on “The Skip and Amy Show.” Now, Skip’s sudden disappearance has left fans scratching their heads, pondering questions like “Where’s Skip?” and “What in the radio waves happened to our beloved host?” It’s like a real-life radio riddle, and we’re all eager to figure out the plot twist! Skip Mahaffey has left K-LOVE, the radio station. He joined WAKW…

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It’s time to grab your popcorn and get ready for the silver fox of reality TV romance! We’ve got something special brewing, and it’s not your typical dating show. Meet Gerry, the star of ABC’s brand new spinoff series, “The Golden Bachelor.” That’s right, it’s not just about the young and restless anymore. Gerry’s here to show that love knows no age limits, and the sunset years can be just as romantic as the dawn of youth. As we dive into this delightful spinoff, we’ll explore Gerry’s journey and get to know his three love prospects – Theresa, Faith, and…

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I’ve noticed some exciting trends and new features on TikTok that are really shaking things up! First off, TikTok isn’t just about short dance videos anymore. It’s evolving and expanding in some pretty cool ways.  But you know what? It’s not just about what TikTok was initially made for – it’s about what its users want. People are using it for everything: spreading awareness, showcasing their talents, raising funds for charity, and, of course, having a good laugh. It’s becoming a platform where anyone can find their niche and express themselves. In that light, let me tell you about the…

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If you are all curious beings of the internet, gather ’round because we’ve stumbled upon a digital rabbit hole of epic proportions. It’s November 3rd, 2023, and it’s not just any ordinary day. It’s a day when TikTok’s collective imagination has gone wilder than a rollercoaster on caffeine. From mysterious numbers to apocalyptic prophecies and even the odd tsunami warning, this date has got everyone talking, memeing, and speculating like there’s no tomorrow.  TikTok is abuzz with wild speculations and entertaining theories on November 3rd, making it a trending topic. November 3rd is capturing the spotlight for a special reason…

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In a world where artificial intelligence is redefining our digital interactions, TikTok, the beloved short-form video platform, has unleashed its enigmatic AI chatbot, Tako, onto the stage. With an aura of intrigue, this blue ghostly messenger suddenly appeared in users’ DMs, leaving them puzzled and curious, like the characters of an unfolding mystery. But what was the purpose behind these cryptic messages, and what role does Tako play in the TikTok universe? Tako is an AI digital assistant on TikTok, a fun and friendly chatbot. It recently sent notifications to TikTok users. Imagine Tako as a guide, helping you discover…

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Reality TV shows have become a staple of entertainment, offering viewers a glimpse into the lives, relationships, and dramas of everyday people. While many of these shows claim to depict unscripted, real-life situations, there’s often a lingering question about just how real they are. One such show that has sparked these debates is “Love Is Blind.” The concept of the show revolves around singles getting to know each other without ever seeing their potential partners, with the ultimate goal of finding true love and getting married. Sounds like a recipe for genuine, unscripted emotions, right? Well, not everyone is convinced.…

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Ahsoka has become a sensation in the Star Wars universe, and it’s not just because of its lightsaber-wielding heroine. The series is renowned for its masterful character development and its compelling exploration of the Force. But what really has fans buzzing is the potential appearance of Din Djarin (Mando) and Grogu in this thrilling saga. At the heart of Ahsoka is, of course, the titular character Ahsoka Tano. Portrayed by Rosario Dawson, Ahsoka is a beloved fan-favorite known for her wisdom, bravery, and fierce determination. Her journey from a young Jedi apprentice to a seasoned Force-user has captivated audiences for…

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Puka Nacua’s journey to football stardom not only made him a recognizable name in college football but also brought immense pride to his family, particularly in the memory of his late father, Lionel Nacua. From a young age, Puka’s life was intertwined with football, and his father played a pivotal role not just as a dad but also as his first coach. For Puka, the journey to college football stardom was undoubtedly marked by adversity and emotional challenges. The loss of his father was a significant blow, and it was up to him to carry forward his dad’s legacy. He…

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“The Voice” is not your average singing competition; it’s a unique blend of talent, star-studded coaching, and unforgettable banter among the judges. This reality TV show has taken the world by storm, captivating audiences with its fresh approach to discovering vocal prowess. One of the standout features of the show is the banter between the judges. With a rotating cast of renowned musicians like John Legend, Gwen Stefani, Reba McEntire, and Niall Horan, the interactions between these stars provide both entertainment and valuable insights into the music industry. Their friendly rivalries, witty exchanges, and genuine camaraderie keep viewers engaged throughout…

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Celebrities have increasingly been using their platform to be more open about their LGBTQIA+ identities, setting a powerful example of acceptance and inclusivity. Their willingness to share their authentic selves with the world has not only broken barriers but has also played a significant role in promoting tolerance and understanding. By coming out and discussing their experiences, these celebrities have shown that there is nothing wrong with being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. This openness has not only helped reduce stigma but has also provided a sense of validation to countless individuals who may be struggling with their own…

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Some cases are so grueling that they transcend the bounds of our imagination. The depth of human cruelty and the sheer brutality witnessed in certain instances can leave us speechless, challenging our capacity to comprehend the darkness that can reside within individuals. Cases like the one involving Taylor Schabusiness are undeniably gruesome and shocking. They push us to contemplate whether our existing legislation is adequately structured to prevent such heinous crimes. Schabusiness shook everyone with her brutal killing of her ex-lover, a case no one was prepared for, not even the law enforcement. As further investigation on the case unfolded,…

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In the vast expanse of the gaming cosmos, one title is generating cosmic-level excitement like never before – Starfield. Bethesda’s spacefaring epic is pushing the boundaries of open-world gaming to celestial heights, and gamers are ready to explore every inch of it. Starfield isn’t just a game, it’s a universe in its own right. The studio behind legendary franchises like The Elder Scrolls and Fallout is taking its boundless creativity and ambition to the stars. What’s emerging is a game with features as expansive as the very universe it portrays, with gamers keen to know all of it! To find…

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In the digital age, the specter of cyber threats looms larger than ever before, casting a shadow over individuals, organizations, and even the most prominent tech giants. Hacking, once considered a niche activity, has now evolved into a pervasive and formidable issue, affecting entities of all sizes and scales. It’s no secret that big tech companies, equipped with vast resources and cutting-edge cybersecurity measures, have often found themselves in the crosshairs of hackers. Sony, a behemoth in the entertainment and electronics industry, serves as a stark example. In 2011, the company suffered a devastating breach that exposed sensitive user data…

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The passing of a beloved actor is a moment that resonates far beyond the confines of a TV or movie screen. It’s a poignant reminder of the indelible mark these artists leave on our lives and the entertainment industry as a whole. While we, as fans, mourn the loss of a familiar face and the characters they brought to life, the impact goes deeper than our personal attachments. For fans, it’s often challenging to come to terms with the loss of an actor whose work has been a source of joy, inspiration, and even solace. These performers have an uncanny…

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