The comic world is filled with beings with unimaginable power, enchanting magic, cutting-edge technology, and a lot of myth. So, it should not be surprising that death means very little in these tales of fantasy.
Many of our favorite heroes and villains have lived for centuries and probably have an unending cache of war stories to tell. Even if some were not born with inherent immortality, they’ve cracked the code to everlasting life.
Let’s look at some of these heroes and villains who just don’t seem to die or are just harder to kill in a head-on fight.
#20 Orion

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: 5,000 years
We kick this list off with a character that is not as famous as his other DC counterparts. Nonetheless, Orion is among the strongest and oldest heroes in the DC multiverse.
Orion is a New God and the biological son of Darkseid. Orion was traded with Scott free as a truce between the High father and Darkseid. A pretty dark method, but his trade stopped thousands from dying and saved both planets from further warfare.
Among the many powers possessed by this God, he is also immortal. That doesn’t come as a surprise, given who his father is.
The Mad Titan’s son has gone against his father on many occasions and has come out on top, even taking control of Apokolips once after defeating Darkseid. The continuity eventually saw Darkseid kill his son, but the character was too good to not have and was resurrected in other storylines.
- Flight
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
- Advanced technology
#19 Phantom Stranger

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: 2000 years old
There are many theories about the origin of this character. One is that The Phantom Stranger is a fallen angel who decided not to side with Hell or Heaven during Lucifer’s rebellion. Another is that he was a citizen who was spared God’s wrath on Earth but later questioned God about his actions.
The most recent is the origin story that explains he is the same Judas that betrayed Jesus and, as punishment, was sent to walk the Earth forever, alone. Regardless of these stories, undoubtedly, one thing that can be said is that this character is one of the most powerful magic users in the DC universe.
He has appeared to many heroes across time and has helped them whenever they are needed. His punishment, however, forces him to remain a mystery to anyone who meets him.
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
- Mystic arts
#18 Ra’s Al Ghul

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: 500 years
Ra’s Al Ghul was made familiar to most by Christopher Nolan’s Batman. The villain has been around for a long time. This long-standing foe to Batman leads the League of Shadows, a group of assassins, and was also a mentor to Bruce Wayne in the ways of fighting arts.
While the cinematic version of the character dies off in the first movie, the comic version does not. Ra’s Al Ghul does not have inherent immortality. Instead, his secret to everlasting life comes from the Lazarus Pit. It is a pool of unknown liquid chemicals that can heal any injury and restore anyone who enters it to full strength.
These pits were discovered by Ra’s in the mountains of Switzerland, and he has continued to use them to stay alive and terrorize DC’s heroes for decades.
- Immortality
- Super intellect
- Master Assassin
#17 Vandal Savage

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: 1 million years
Vandal Savage has been there since the dawn of man. When a mysterious glowing meteor fell to Earth in the earliest days, the curious Savage touched the space rock, which instantly elevated his prehistoric presence. He is suddenly aware of himself and everything around him. With the higher brain capacity, Vandal also acquired immortality. He has taken hundreds of persons over the years, including some notable ones such as Genghis Khan and Knox Cain.
His long life has enabled him to amass incredible wealth, knowledge, and resources that no one else on Earth possesses. Savage is a frequent foe to the Justice League and battled alongside the Injustice Society. Other immortal heroes like Hawkman and Resurrection Man have also faced this undying villain.
The most recent iteration of the character can be seen during the event of Young Justice, where Savage leads the evil organization – The Light. It gives us a small glimpse of how influential this character is.
- Immortality
- Super intellect
- Invulnerability
#16 Deadpool

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 800 years
Deadpool needs no introduction. The Merc with a Mouth is an enhanced mutant that just won’t quit, and it’s for lack of trying. There are many origin stories for this character, and though each is disturbing, the powers he got at the end of the stories are more or less the same.
A disfigured face enhanced physical abilities and immortality. People have tried blowing him up, cutting him to pieces, and even showering him with bullets, but somehow he always comes back.
Deadpool has not been around for too long. If we were to make an educated guess, we would say his actual age is about 60, while his body can move like a 25-30-year-old. However, we do have evidence that Deadpool lives way into the future. This is made clear during the X-Force/Cable: Messiah War events, where the new X-Force meets Deadpool 800 years into the future.
Wolverine is probably not going to like that.
- Enhanced physiology
- Immortality
- Super healing
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#15 Wolverine

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 120 years
Like Deadpool, Logan is a mutant who has a very cool power set. A part of that power set is immortality. The true extent of immortality has varied over time, but at the very least, we can say that man is virtually unkillable. With a healing factor that can pop out bullets shot into his head and survive the skin-burning power of an unstable Jean Grey, this anti-hero is here to stay.
Based on what we have seen in the X-men movie universe, we can guess that Wolverine has been around for at least 120 years, and according to the comics, he too lives well into the future. His indestructible metal alloy has helped and enhanced the healing factor he already had, but we can tell he is not a stranger to aging. We can see the two white streaks on either side and even in the Old Man Logan storyline.
An eternal Wolverine would have been great, but even the best of things has to end.
- Super healing
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Retractable claws
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#14 Hulk

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 200 years old
The raging Avenger has been smashing things around him for some time now. Given that he is one side of a coin, the other being Bruce Banner, is The Green Giant technically all immortal? The answer to that is quite tricky.
For the most part, the Hulk is always portrayed the same. All green, all angry. In his transformed state, the Hulk can take damage from the strongest characters and remain standing, with most of the wounds leaving within moments.
The tricky part is that he only seems impervious to aging when in the Hulk form. Once he turns back to Bruce Banner, we see that time has indeed taken its toll on the scientist. The Gama radiation and the resulting enhancements have given Banner an extended life span, but even that does entail everlasting life.
Banner has tried shooting himself in the head, but he could not die, and Hulk, even after being stabbed and beaten multiple times, always seems to recover and come back for the next fight.
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
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#13 The Thing

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 1000+
The lovely Ben Grimm is one of the core members of the Fantastic 4. The Thing got his powers when exposed to a cosmic storm’s radiation while in space for a mission. The same radiation gave all his other teammates their powers, but it was different for this hero. His entire appearance changed to something that resembled a cluster of rocks. With this transformation came great strength and the ability to not age.
The Thing is known for his insane feats of strength and has gone up against the Hulk and Hercules. The strength, combined with his rock-hard skin, makes him a force to reckon with, and yet, Ben Grimm might be one of the most gentle characters to be introduced into the Marvel Universe.
While the Thing cannot age and continues to live a long life, he is not unkillable. He met his demise during a battle against Doctor Doom but was later resurrected by the rest of his teammates.
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
#12 Swamp Thing

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: As old as mother nature itself
Swamp Thing is a being of the DC Universe whose powers have no known upper limits. He is the living embodiment of the vegetative world and has been around since it came into existence.
Dr. Alec Holland, a scientist who was betrayed and murdered, ran into a swamp while drenched in his ‘bio-restorative’ chemicals and emerged a guardian of the green. Upon his return, he acquired a plethora of powers, and while super strength and flight are impressive, that was just the tip of the iceberg.
Dr. Alec’s transformation made him an elemental; as long as plant life is nearby, he is immortal. Nothing can kill him, and he will continue to live as long as the greens live. Ironically, he is one who also protects the green, so he is essentially the guardian of his immortality.
Swamp Thing has recently become a frequent member of Justice League Dark.
- Flight
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
- Control over plants
#11 Anti-Monitor

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: Since the beginning of time
The Anti-Monitor is a DC super villain that simply wants the opposite of good. This ruler of the Antimatter Universe is the counterpart to his brother – The Monitor. This Super Villain has given the best heroes a run for their money and even managed to kill his brother at one point.
He was created from the excess energy that was collected in the Antimatter universe and created his army. Used this army to conquer and take over every other universe. He is one of the most formidable villains ever faced by our heroes and has destroyed thousands of Universes. Anti-Monitor is immortal as long as the Antimatter Universe still exists and can draw his energy from there.
- Energy projection
- Immortality
- Reality manipulation
- Invulnerability
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#10 Thor

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 1500 years
This beloved hero was derived from Norse mythology and is one of the strongest members of the Avengers. Thor is the son of the Viking God Odin, and, just like his father, his aging is so slow that it can be considered immortal.
The Norse God of Thunder has fought hundreds of battles. His invulnerability has allowed him to walk away from each of those fights with but a few scratches. Hulk is among the strongest in the universe, and Thor has gone toe-to-toe with him.
There appears to be no clear upper power limit for this hero. When going up against Gorr the God Butcher, who had the Necrosword in his possession, Thor was able to, well, not get butchered. While some dislike their immortality, Thor uses it as a gift to travel across galaxies and help those in need. The Asgardian is the best of the best, and we’re lucky to have him around.
- Flight
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
- Weather manipulation
#9 Mephisto

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 100000+
Mephisto is an extraterrestrial demon who rules a dimension similar to the idea of hell. However, he is not Lucifer nor Hades but has taken those names many times to scare people into thinking that the concept of a singular evil being is true. There are many stories about this character’s origin, but most have been forgotten.
Mephisto is the same demon that controls the spirit of vengeance and gives Ghost Rider his powers. He is also said to be the same demon that took the form of a snake and caused the banishment of Eve from the Biblical Garden of Eden. So, he has been around for a long, long time. The earliest story of his origin dates back to the very beginning of time when it is said that it was born from the dark energy that came out of the suicide of Nemesis, a primordial entity.
His obsession with tricking people into selling their souls to him has remained a constant throughout his existence.
- Dark Magic
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Trickery
- Illusions
#8 Sentry

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 100+
Sentry might just be Marvel’s most powerful superhero. He gained his powers from a super soldier program that intended to make giant leaps compared to the original experiments.
However, after years of bad administration, Project Sentry was not working well. Then, Robert Reynolds stumbled into a lab and took the Golden Sentry Serum, which gave him the power of a thousand exploding suns and made him one of the Strongest beings in the universe.
Along with the unimaginable strength that he received, he became immortal. The serum turned him into another Captain America, only that the powers were increased by a million times. Neither SHIELD nor Iron Man could find any weaknesses they could exploit when it came to the Sentry, deeming him unkillable.
Sentry has fought alongside many heroes across time and had to make everyone forget that he exists due to his unstable mind. He was killed once during the events of the Siege but was later resurrected as the horseman of death.
- Flight
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
- Super speed
#7 Apocalypse

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 5000
The first mutant to ever be born, Apokalypse is one of the biggest foes to the X-Men and has come close to defeating them on many occasions. Born in Ancient Egypt, he used his powers to turn into a God for the primitive people and ruled over them as a pharaoh for many years.
His immortality doesn’t follow the usual rules of anti-aging and invulnerability. The first mutant managed to utilize alien technology and use his powers to transfer his consciousness to another mutant, thus preserving his life essence and allowing him to continue living for generations.
He believed himself to be the one to rule the world and increase the mutant population on Earth. To this end, many attempts were made at conquests and hostile and takeovers. While a certain storyline shows the self-proclaimed God taking over the world and ruling until the 39th century, most of these attempts were thwarted by the X-men and the Avengers.
Still, they could never kill him, just send him back into a deep slumber. Usually, all they could hope for was that no one would awaken him again, but that was rarely the case. The followers and progeny of the mutant have awakened him several times, and he seems to be a recurring nightmare for our heroes.
- Enhance other powers
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
#6 Alan Scott

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: 150
Alan Scott is the first green lantern and possibly one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe. He did not get his powers as the other Green Lanterns did but got them from the Starheart, which is the source of chaotic magic in the universe. Ultra-Humanite, a villain with five-dimensional powers, once stated that Alan Scott’s powers were inconceivable and that he wasn’t sure he could even be killed.
Since this hero is made from Starheart, its powers have rendered him immortal. The entity fused itself with him to save his life and de-aged him immediately. The power of the sentient space entity would, in theory, allow Scott to live forever as the first Green Lantern of Earth.
The Justice Society formed around when Alan was 50, and he is still seen fighting alongside modern heroes across the galaxies. Our best Guess? He has been around for at least 150+ years.
- Flight
- Immortality
- Energy constructs
- Energy projection
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#5 Dormammu

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 1 million+
The Big Bad was made familiar in the first Doctor Strange movie and has been a foe to the Sorcerer Supreme since the hero was introduced to us. Dormammu is an interdimensional conqueror and the rule of the Dark Dimension. He has sought to conquer all the known universes in the multiverse and has set his sights on Earth multiple times.
Lucky for us, Dr. Strange and the Avengers have always been there to stop him. However, they could never find a way to kill him. The entity is made of pure dark energy and is near immortal. The character has tried his tricks ever since the time of Agomotto, the first Sorcerer Supreme.
The evil Lord of Chaos wields unimaginable power, and in his dimension, he is unbeatable. Dormammu can feed on the Dark Energy in his dimension and the energy from other universes. This is mainly why he wishes to conquer all to increase his domain and power. As long as there is dark energy in the universe, he can find a way to feed off it and stay alive.
- Matter manipulation
- Immortality
- Energy manipulation/projection
- Invulnerability
#4 Thanos

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Age: 24,000
Thanos needs no introduction. The main villain for the entire MCU till Endgame, the Mad Titan, seeks the infinity stones to gain control of unthinkable powers and rule as the most powerful being in the universe. The MCU’s version of the character had a slightly different motive but let us not get it twisted.
The villain’s main objective is to rule over the entire universe and every other multiverse. He is also madly in love with Lady Death and uses his power to bring about the demise of as many people as possible, hoping to impress his beloved. Sure, love makes you do dumb things, but damn this has ‘toxic’ written all over it.
As an Eternal, Thanos was born in Titan and had the deviant syndrome that made him appear very different from his other people. This led the other Eternals to treat him differently.
Long story short, he killed everyone on the planet. His physiology already made him one of the strongest beings in the universe, and he was obsessed with further enhancing himself. Due to these enhancements, Thanos can live for centuries and continue his quest for Lady Death.
Thanos has been killed several times, but the Mad Titan always has a backup plan in case something like that happens. He stays alive by saving his consciousness, having his followers save his body, or sometimes even using his resources to know when he would die and act to prevent that death. He may be a genocidal maniac, but he sure is persistent.
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
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#3 Darkseid

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: 250,000 years
Darkseid is the biggest bad that the Justice League has ever faced and has conquered thousands of worlds in his search for the Anti-life equation. The warlord of Apokolips has gone up against all the universe’s heroes, and many have fallen to him. Even during the war between the New Gods, they all feared him and his chaos very much.
Obsessed with an equation that would take away free will and give total control, Darkseid has been alive for eons in its search. During his long life, he has enhanced his body over and over to the point where he is nearly indestructible. He can destroy anything with just his eyes.
His physiology already gave him incredible power but was further amplified by the experiments he conducted on himself. An eventual result of this is his immortality. He has been killed many times but always seems to find a way to return, making him nearly impossible to get rid of.
Darkseid is essentially a God and his followers, like him, are very persistent.
- Flight
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
- Omega Beams
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#2 Wonder Woman

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: 5000 years
The Amazonian princess is one of the founders of the Justice League and possibly only second in terms of power to Superman. It wouldn’t even be far-fetched to say she could beat the Man of Steel.
Wonderwoman is the daughter of Zeus, the King of the Old Gods. As a Demi-God, she has received much power from her ancestry and, with it, a level of immortality. The current version of the character becomes the Goddess of War, and even though she can be killed by other God-like beings, she is nearly indestructible. It can be argued that the hero will live as long as Superman or go even further in her new role.
Wonderman has been killed many times in the comics, but the plot armor is too strong for this one. The abilities given to her by her father and the powers she possesses as an amazonian far exceed other beings, and she always finds a way to come back to fight for the good of everyone.
- Flight
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
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#1 Superman

Publisher: DC Comics
Age: 4-5 Billion years
The Last Son of Krypton is probably the most alive superhero ever. If you asked any kid which superhero they wanted to be, probably his name would be said first. A mighty symbol of hope and justice, Superman, has been around for decades and helped the universe escape untimely destructions more times than we can count. Under a yellow sun, Superman requires no food, sleep, or rest and can go on fighting for eons. An immortal in its truest sense.
Superman gets killed during the events of the Death of Superman storyline, but even then, he doesn’t seem to die. The sun keeps some life within him, and he is nursed back to power in his fortress of solitude.
The one storyline that shows us that he is immortal is during the events of Action Comics #1000. We see a visibly un-aged Superman standing over his parent’s grave as the sun hurdles towards the Earth. The timeline is shown to be 4-5 billion years into the future, and the Earth has been long abandoned. We see that Superman continues to fight for what is right in the universe, with death being a stranger to him.
- Flight
- Immortality
- Super strength
- Invulnerability
- Laser vision
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Honorable Mentions
- Immortal Man
- Lady Death
- Lobo
- Donna Troy
- Doctor Manhattan
With this, we come to the end of our list. May our heroes live long lives and continue saving the universe from dangers.
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Are There Any Immortal Avengers?
Yes, there are a few immortal Avengers. Vision, Sentry, and Hulk are a few of the Avengers that have the power of immortality.
Which DC Superhero Is Immortal?
Superman is immortal. The radiation from the yellow sun gives him sustenance. This means he does not age and does not need food, water, or rest.
Is Deadpool Completely Immortal?
Yes, Deadpool is immortal, according to the comics. Thanos curses Deadpool with everlasting life so that he does not end up with Lady Death. Again, There are instances where the Mad Titan lifted the curse too.
What Marvel Character Will Live Forever?
Many Marvel Characters will live forever, such as the Watcher, the Living Tribunal, and other celestial beings. Most of them have been around since the beginning of the universe and most likely will be there at the end.
Is Superman an Immortal?
Yes, Superman is immortal. The radiation from the yellow sun is all he needs to stay alive. In Action Comics #1000, he lives to be 4-5 Billion years old without aging.
Well, That’s all for today folks! Which immortal superheroes do you like the most?
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