Love Is Blind is a unique reality TV show that provides viewers with several romantic subplots through various couples every season, and since 2020, Netflix has released five seasons.
The fifth season has been going pretty well so far, with the focus shifted to one of the power couples, Izzy and Stacy, but the recent development in their relationship has complicated things.
In the eighth episode of Season 5, Izzy Zapata and Stacy Synder have reached a relationship crisis point due to their financial differences. Apparently, Izzy did not have a credit card at the moment, and it was also revealed that he had a bad credit score with $ 3,500 in debt, leaving Stacy to form trust issues with her partner.
To learn more about Izzy’s credit card issues and how it is affecting his relationship with Stacy, keep reading.
Love Is Blind Season 5: Izzy’s Credit Card Story Explained
Since the beginning of Love Is Blind season 5, Izzy has always been somewhat mysterious regarding his finances. Following this, many fans on Reddit and several social media platforms speculated that he might be financially broke.
In the previous episode, it was revealed that Stacy ran off on her wedding dress, meaning she may have said no to Izzy on the altar, leading to various speculations.
Furthermore, Izzy revealed that his credit score is so bad that he can’t even get another credit card, thanks to his $ 3,500 debt.
Whenever Stacy asked why he didn’t have credit cards, Izzy always brushed it off by saying he used to have them but didn’t like using them anymore.
Eventually, Episode 8 gave rise to the situation of Izzy being jobless and even renting an Airbnb to show it off as his apartment, leading to the mistakes piling upon his lies.
Izzy was also often seen uncomfortable talking about finances and spending a lavish day with Stacy’s family, hinting at his poor circumstances, but it was not made clear until the latest episode.
Love Is Blind Season 5: What Will Happen to Izzy and Stacy’s Relationship?
Love is something that is built upon sincerity, and it can be crumbled as easily if it is mended with lies. That’s precisely what’s happening with Izzy and Stacy.
Even though Izzy had a debt of $ 3,500, he didn’t bring the topic up until the day before the wedding, making the situation even more complicated.
Given that Izzy has grown up living an extravagant lifestyle, money is not much of an issue for her. However, the fact that Izzy wasn’t going to tell her about his financial crisis and is still preparing to be married puts a dent in their future plans.
In a way, Izzy failed Stacy as her partner, making the latter have trust issues. During the season, she even mentioned to Izzy, “I guess I feel like I don’t know if I can trust you.”
So, although many may see it as preposterous to bring up her fiancé’s finances, she is right about the situation. It is not about how broke he is but about not trusting her enough to tell the truth.
Ultimately, their relationship is heading down an unpredictable path, but what the couple decides to do from here on remains to be seen. The only viable thing to do is for Izzy to apologize to Stacy and say he would never lie to her.
So, what do you think about Love Is Blind season 5? Do you believe Izzy can get back up from his financial issues and fix his relationship with Stacy?
Let us know your stance in the comments section below.