Haruto Yomogita, a 21-year-old unemployed man from Aoba, was arrested by The Tokyo Metropolitan Police for sending an email threat claiming that the sewage facility in Taito would explode if the Comic Market (Comiket) 100 event in Tokyo doesn’t get canceled.
The suspect is taken into custody on the grounds of hindering the work of police officials with his threats. He hasn’t given any statements to the police at the time of writing.
Earlier this week, it was announced that the Comiket 100 event will be held from August 13-14, 2023, with a maximum of 80,000-90,000 participant occupancy. The tickets for the event will be available through an online pre-booking ticket window.
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According to the Tokyo police department, the Tokyo government had received threatening emails from a suspect sharing the same name as Haruto Yomogita demanding that the state funeral of the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe be canceled.
The police are currently investigating the matter since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated while giving a speech in the city of Nara on July 8, 2022, by a man named Tetsuya Yamagami.
This year’s Comiket took place on August 13-14, with 170,000 participants joining the event across both days. The Comic Market event was hosted with a limited occupancy of 85,000 attendees in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Source: TBS NEWS