Barbie has embarked on numerous adventures, made many friends, and led a social life similar to humans. But this popular character and doll was never shown with Barbie’s parents, a question every child has likely asked at least once.
“Does Barbie have a mom and dad?” or “ What really happened to Barbie’s parents?”
Therefore, we decided to get the records straight. In this article, we will delve into the origins of Barbie and any hints or clues about her family that may have emerged. So, keep reading till the end.
Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, and she was created by Ruth Handler. Barbie made her debut on the global stage at the American Toy Fair in New York City in 1959. In 2018, Mattel released an animated series, “Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures”. The series showed Barbie’s parents, George and Margaret Roberts. George Roberts initially worked as an engineer but later transitioned to a career as a documentary filmmaker. Whereas Margaret Rawlins Roberts is a stay-at-home mother.
What Happened to Barbie’s Parents?
Recently, people have been more intrigued by Barbie’s parents. Over the years, many tried to find the answer about her parents, about their existence, yet no answer was found. Mattel’s official writings provide no information about Barbie’s parents, and their fate remains a mystery.
While it’s plausible that they may have passed away, Mattel has never officially confirmed their fate. However, if Barbie’s parents are still alive, they could be leading private lives far away from the spotlight. They may choose to maintain distance from their renowned daughter. Regardless, they must be very proud of their daughter.
Does Barbie Have a Mom and Dad?
While watching Barbie’s movies or shows, people often wonder about various things. Few wonder if there is a Barbie with Down syndrome, while few wonder if Barbie has her parents. As for her parents, in recent years, more and more characters in Barbie’s life have been gaining recognition.
Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. She was brought into existence by Ruth Handler and made her debut at the American Toy Fair in New York City in 1959.
In 2018, all questions about Barbie’s parents were solved when George and Margaret Roberts were introduced in a franchise series. “Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures” is an animated television series and a franchise that was released in 2018.
The series centers around the adventures of Barbie, her family, and her friends. This series is known for introducing Barbie’s parents in the history of Barbie movies and series.
In the series, George Roberts and Margaret Rawlins Roberts were introduced as Barbie’s parents. Even though the parents were never issued in doll form, they did appear in the series.
George, Barbie’s father, was an engineer initially but, in the series, he was shown as changing his profession as a documentary filmmaker. Margaret, on the other hand, is shown as a homemaker who sometimes works as an interior designer for their house.
But another theory says that Barbie’s parents’ names are Ken and Midge. Her full name was Margaret “Midge” Hadley Sherwood.
Midge was also introduced in Barbie’s friend line. It was reported that she is the mother of Barbie as she was created first, and a year later, Barbie was created. But it was never confirmed by Mattel whether this is the truth or not.
Looking at the broader picture, The Mattel employees Ruth and Elliot Handler are the original human parents of Barbie. She was created and introduced by them. Their creation went so viral that it is still relevant.
It seems that, much like her profession, Barbie may have had a few sets of parents as well. But, overall, the series “Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures” does give a hint into this iconic character’s life.
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