Remember the last day of your school?
Melancholy, excitement, nostalgia, break-ups, saying goodbye to childhood friendships, personal messages in the yearbook, and walking through the other side of the gate of uncertainty.
Senior year is a significant phase where one decision paves the rest of your future. And to commemorate the next phase of life, we all want one last event to remember for the rest of our lives. This is precisely what the Ryle High School seniors were planning to do.
The senior prank is a generational tradition in America. Even if you ask your parents, they will have absurd stories about the prank phenomena. One of the largest-scale senior pranks was executed in 1978 at Clayton High School. A batch of 100 students entered the school at 2 a.m. and slathered every inch of the walls with graffiti.
While most are innocent fun, some pranks take it too far; where one year, someone smeared feces on the walls.
Sometimes the 17-18-year-old kids can’t really grasp the depth of their actions and unintentionally end up causing danger. And hence chaos ensues at Ryle High School…
What Happened At Ryle High School?
On Tuesday, a reported 75 high school seniors went on a rampage. But their intention was no more than pulling a final prank before leaving their school.
Toilet papers hung from the trees, vaseline was smeared onto the doors, and baby oil was poured on the steps. And when other students attended the school the next day, they encountered giant track hurdles in the middle of the hallways.
It has since injured a few staff members trying to clean up the mess so that no student was hurt.
The school officials issued a statement. “Unfortunately, due to the extensive damage caused by the students, we have received reports of our staff being injured during the cleanup process.”
But the greasy floors could potentially cause severe injuries to kids; some could have led to ER situations too.
Josh Starns, one of the staff members who volunteered to clean the mess, said–
“I got to school, and I was actually helping some of my teachers pull some of the desks off the roof because they were hung upside down from their ceilings. A bunch of bungee cords hanging them upside down.”
What Is the Response from the Authorities of Ryle High School?

Boone County Sheriff has initiated an investigation against the 75 students after the school officials reported serious injuries to staff. The parents of a few students have also been involved in the interrogation.
One of the parents updated on the situation so far–
“According to what I heard from admin, was that everybody that entered the building was suspended and the seniors were not walking [at graduation]. Come to find out, some of the students that entered and partook in it were not seniors so their repercussion was just being suspended for the last two days of school.”
Although serious charges are highly unlikely, the students will be subjected to disciplinary actions.
What Would Be the Possible Repercussions of This Prank?

For the initial stage, most students have already been suspended, but it doesn’t really matter, considering it’s just a few school days left anyway.
However, the officials have also announced that the involved students won’t be invited to graduation on 3rd June 2023.
Some staff members have also petitioned for these students to repeat their year as a punishment for the prank.
Our 2 Cents
It all boils down to herd mentality. The seniors planned an innocent ruckus together. But it ended up compounding, possibly because everyone wanted to one-up each other. And the end result was just simply in bad taste. It is a case of a prank gone too far.
But taking into consideration the years of hard work by the students, to deprive them of a proper graduation seems a bit too harsh.
Instead, all 75 students should have mandated community service or volunteer at an NGO, preferably where they have to clean up something– give them a taste of their own medicine.
Kids this age act on impulses. A lesson should suffice for their punishment.
What are your thoughts on this case? What is your preferred punishment fits the crime in this case?
Do you think they should not be allowed to attend the graduation? What was your senior prank in High School?
Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.
1 Comment
“Instead, he seemed inebriated as he could not process what was happening.” YALL are taking up for this man and excusing his behavior??? Inebriated means Drunk. How does the person who wrote this know he was drunk and could “process” what was happening. Horrible article! One sided and biased.