DC reveals Catwoman’s first-ever stolen item.
Batman/Catwoman has just revealed the amazing item that Catwoman stole the first time and how it connects her to Bruce Wayne.
Spoiler Alert: Batman/Catwoman #6
Since her introduction in 1940’s Batman #1, Bill Figner and Bob Kane introduced Catwoman.
Over the years, she’s robbed countless artifacts and valuables as well as impossibly expensive items. It turns out that Selina is able to clearly recall what she stole the first time, and she has it still with her.
Batman/Catwoman #6: Clay Mann, Tomeu Morey, Clayton Cowles reveals that Catwoman stole her first Christmas ornament.
This not only links Catwoman’s history as a master thief to the holidays and to the cats she loves but also to Bruce Wayne and his family.
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Batman/Catwoman has been managing multiple story-beats and timelines, including the apparent bond between Catwoman and the Joker.
The pair meet up after a fight between Selina & Bruce. Catwoman is still recovering from a hangover and continues to drink.
Joker discovers they are in the presence of a Christmas Tree from Batman and decides to decorate it before Batman can. Selina pulls out a picture of a small orange cat while going through her collection of Christmas ornaments.
This is likely to be a reference to Garfield. Selina tells the Joker that it was one of her ornaments as a child growing up in the Gotham orphanage.
The Waynes donated a huge Christmas tree every year to give the dark setting some color. Selina would go downstairs at night to sit by the tree.
Catwoman’s First Steal

Selina was drawn to the orange cat ornament and eventually stole it for herself. She couldn’t bear the thought of it being kept hidden away for over a year. Selina even revealed that it was her first theft and that she still has it.
Joker is able to tell her more stories as she looks through the box and eventually realizes that all ornaments she has were stolen over the years.
Catwoman has been a thief for many years, but this is a fitting revelation. She’s known for her passion for the chase and the feeling of power when she can take something that she doesn’t own.
It’s even more significant because it came from a Christmas tree that the Waynes donated to Catwoman.
This is her first minor, insignificant theft in a life that was almost exclusively dedicated to the theft and that would be the man she would end up falling in love with.
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Given their wealth and luxury, it makes sense that the Waynes are such big fans of Christmas. The idea that they would spread holiday cheer in Gotham’s less fortunate areas is also a natural fit.
It was also a glimpse into Selina’s life and the things she needed to do to make it her own.
Although it’s only a small bond that has been present in their lives for a while, it’s an excellent representation of the hopes Bruce Wayne wants to instill in Gotham citizens and how it did actually serve as a lesson for people like Selina Kyle.
Did you know Catwoman’s first steal? What do you think of this?
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