Suicide Squad Isekai, a brand-new original anime series, was unveiled by Warner Brothers Japan and WIT Studio during the annual Anime Expo. The Suicide Squad is the focus of the show’s teaser, as implied by its name, and it stars Harley Quinn and the Joker.
Fans were delightedly astonished when the announcement teaser, which was uploaded on July 3, 2023, had more than 800k views on YouTube in just 11 hours. The animation studio WIT Studio, well known for its work on Attack on Titan, Spy x Family, and Vinland Saga, will make it.
Eri Osada will direct the anime series, while Warner Brothers Japan will produce it. Kenichro Suehiro will write the soundtrack.
What Is The Storyline Of Suicide Squad Isekai Anime?
While the official website for the animated film doesn’t reveal much, it also says, “Deadly crazy party of the baddest villains land themselves in ISEKAI!!! The most dangerous & bizarre fantasy adventure unveiled…!!!”
“DC’s Harley Quinn and The Joker have been ISEKAI!? Suicide Squad rampages onto the stage of ISEKAI! A new original animation from Japan! The most maddening worlds collide in an epic and violent fantasy with the strongest line-up of creators!” the website further adds.
The Joker, Harley Quinn, and other DC bad guys are followed throughout the narrative as they struggle to survive in a “violent fantasy world.” In addition, a fleeting sight of a character who resembles Killer Croc implies that he may potentially be in the movie.
Naturally, the term “Isekai” itself alludes to the well-known subgenre of “fish out of water” fiction set in a foreign setting.
Suicide Squad Isekai Key Visual
More vital information regarding the release date of the anime, the streaming platform, and the number of episodes one can expect still remains unknown. More development on the Isekai anime is to take place soon, with the Warner Studios making an official announcement on the same.
Suicide Squad Isekai Anime Trailer
The Joker, Harley Quinn’s sporadic sidekick, and their customary mischief are seen in the trailer wreaking havoc in a vivid and lit Gotham City. But their pandemonium takes an unexpected turn when they suddenly find themselves in an unknown and utterly different place.
Watch the trailer here:
A fictitious group of antiheroes and supervillains known as the Suicide Squad first debuted in DC Comics in 1959. They have now grown to be among the most well-known and recognizable organizations in the DC Universe.
Amanda Waller spearheads the Squad, which consists of a revolving cast of characters, some of whom include Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and Killer Croc.
Suicide Squad Isekai Anime Release Date
Since the project has just recently been revealed, a release date for “Suicide Squad ISEKAI” is unknown. However, we can confidently infer that the project is far into production at this stage, considering that the trailer features final animation of exceptionally high quality and will be set to release anytime by 2024.
The forthcoming Suicide Squad anime will feature Harley Quinn, Joker, and Amanda Waller, according to the teaser. Other Suicide Squad members like the Bronze Tiger, King Shark, and Deadshot could possibly appear in the anime. That certainly sounds intriguing.
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Do you think there will be other villains sent to the fantasy world of Isekai? What mission do you think the Joker and Harley Quinn will set out for? Do you think more characters will be added to the Isekai? Let us know!
Source: Official Website- Suicide Squad Isekai Anime