The Marvel Cinematic Universe started with the Iron Man film in 2008, has brought countless memories to the fans, including the growth of Tony Stark from a playboy to a real hero.
Nonetheless, during the Avengers: Endgame, no one expected Tony Stark to die at the end to save everyone in the universe. Although it was a befitting end, it wasn’t easy.
So, is Tony Stark Dead in real life in 2023? Well, the actor who played Tony Stark, Robert Downey Jr., is alive and healthy. Still, the character itself is canonically dead because Thanos’ snap took place five years from 2017, meaning the events that take place in Avengers: Endgame are on October 17, 2023.
How Did Tony Stark Die?
Tony Stark has always been somewhat guilty about the things he did, like creating Ultron, which led to millions of deaths, but Avengers: Endgame gave him his redemption arc.
Following the Avengers: Infinity War, Tony Stark gets stuck in space while half of the universe disappears in the Blip. However, Captain Marvel, played by Brie Larson, helps him get back home.
With his ingenious knowledge of science, Tony lays out a brilliant plan to acquire the infinity stones from other timelines and eventually succeeds.
During their journey, though, Thanos also finds a loophole and enters their timeline, initiating a war against the Avengers. The battle resulted in countless deaths, but in the end, Tony prevented Thanos from using the Gauntlet again.
Instead, he uses the Infinity Stones to kill the entire Thanos army, but he perishes at the film’s conclusion due to the power of the Infinity Stones being too much for him to handle.
Did Tony Stark Die in Real Life?
Seeing how fans are mourning the death of Tony Stark on social media, you may be confused that the actor who played Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr., may have been in a life-threatening situation.
Rest assured, the legend who brought this amazing character to life is well and alive, appearing in various other films and TV series to keep the fans entertained. If you’re confused about why October 17 marks the death of Tony Stark, here’s a clear explanation.
In Spider-Man: Far From Home, it was mentioned that it has been eight months since the universe was saved, and given that it is the end of their school year, it should be in June 2024.
So, the timeline of Tony Stark’s death brings us to October 2023. As per the date of October 17, it was revealed in WandaVision by Monica Rambeau when she said that the Blip occurred exactly three weeks ago.
Fans are quick to decode it based on episode seven’s specified date and eventually figured that Monica Rambeau spoke these words on November 7, bringing Tony Stark’s death to October 17.
Although it is unfortunate, Tony Stark’s death marks a new beginning for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is clearly struggling to get back up. In any case, we all love him 3000.
How Are Fans Reacting to Tony Stark’s Death?
It comes as no surprise that people would be devastated, given that they have been with the character for more than a decade. So, here are some notable reactions from loyal Marvel fans.
So, how are you taking the death of Tony Stark? Is he your favorite Marvel character?