“Stand up and walk. Keep moving forward. You’ve got two good legs. So get up and use them. You’re strong enough to make your own path,” these are the words said by a guy who has lost his leg and his brother’s soul to forbidden alchemy, who saw countless near-defeats, saw several deaths – but no matter what, they both never gave up, and they never set their foot back from making amends to their mistakes.
Don’t fret about upcoming trouble; learn from it, and move past it. In times of downfall, help others and let others help – all you have to do sometimes is just ask. Don’t let anything deprive you of your true happiness; instead, seek it out. Live, fall, learn, cry, love. And this is the tale that embodies that philosophy, this is the tale of Mariza Angelica.

Name: Mariza Angelica T. Encina
Lives In: Philippines
It began as a passing thought in the back of my head, but I considered suicide when I was 12 years old when several traumatic events suddenly happened. My family broke up, I was repeatedly sexually harassed, and I discovered that my friends were fake. And like most things, when left unchecked, this little thought grew, festered, and occupied my mind as time passed. There were times when I almost gave in, and I never understood why I didn't until I rediscovered one of my favorite childhood anime, Clannad: After Story. I first watched it when I was 13 years old, and it made me sob. But as I watched it with new eyes, I didn't just cry at Tomoya's (the protagonist) pain; I cried with mine as well. I may not relate to all his experiences, but I knew how it felt to be in tremendous pain. In his darkest moments, he believed that if he never met his wife, then they would all be spared from the tragedy they experienced, avoiding pain. This reminded me of myself when I thought death would be better than living a miserable life. I always thought, "If I wasn't born, I wouldn't cause pain, and I wouldn't be in pain," Basically, nothing in life is worth the horrible pain it brings. But I'm still here, and you have Clannad: After Story to thank for that because Tomoya eventually realizes that if he was allowed to go back in time to decide whether he would meet the love of his life again, then he would, and he always will. He will choose to love her over and over again, no matter how painful it will be to lose her once more. This story made me realize that I would choose to live this life, again and again, to be with my family and grow again. I would prefer to fall and scrape my knee if it meant I could play in the rain, I would choose to be scolded by my parents if it meant I could hug them, and I would choose heartbreak if it meant I could love again. Whenever I felt like ending everything, this anime reminds me that there will always be hardships, but that will never overshadow the beauty of life. Pain will shrink and subside, but love and happiness will remain even after the story ends.
Key Takeaways
#1 Happiness Starts From Within You
For many, life may seem bleak on many fronts. A person’s self-confidence and kindness can be influenced by several things, including friends, family, studies, work, and the people around him; eventually, we all lose sight of who we are.
Fight for the things you love, seek happiness in your actions, acknowledge the people around you, be a pillar for someone in need, and never forget your roots.
Even after going through so much, Tomoya was ready to relive all those moments, even if it meant watching someone he loved die again and again; no matter how painful life might sometimes be, you can still learn a lot and still keep moving forward.
#2 The Little Things
Appreciate the little things in life, and you’ll open up a whole new world, just like Mariza said if she could play in the rain, even if she would end up with a scrapped knee by falling.
If you fear the fall, you might miss life’s beauty. Every storm must come to a halt; every pain must fade away; every climb will come to an end, and every story must eventually end.
#3 There’s No Reset Button
Life is not a game. It doesn’t end. There’s no final boss fight, no end credits – it just continues. There are no reset buttons in life; you cannot run away from the inevitable; life goes on, and so should you.
Characters from Clannad are really ordinary individuals, not larger-than-life figures. Tomoya is an uninspired boy, while Nagisa is a sickly girl; their affection for one another is what distinguishes them as unique. They taught us the importance of family, friends, loss, reconciliation, and transcending life itself. The only thing that can hold you back – is you.
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