Love Island Games, the spin-off series of the original Love Island franchise, became instantly popular with the audience when it was released on Peacock on November 1st.
With almost all the contestants being interesting in their own ways, Megan and Kyra made history by becoming the first same-sex couple in the franchise’s history. But why did Megan leave Love Island Games all of a sudden?
Megan Barton-Hanson left Love Island Games on Sunday, November 12, due to medical issues. Although she didn’t explicitly state what the emergency was, fans speculate that she has PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), which she disclosed in September, about the same time when the episodes were filmed.
What Exactly Happened to Megan on Love Island Games?
Megan Barton-Hanson, without a doubt, has been one of the best contestants on Love Island Games, having entered the Villa on Day 2 as a single woman.
Although she eventually dated Steph and went into a Vulnerable stage, she ultimately found Kyra, with whom she made history by becoming the first lesbian couple in the Love Island franchise.
Until Day 8, she was safe from elimination, and her romance with Kyra has been a treat for the fans, with many rooting for them more than any other couple. However, she made a shocking decision on Day 9.
During Episode 11 on Week 2, Georgia Steel and Toby Aromorlaran were dumped, and that was unexpected for many fans, as they didn’t expect Imani and Ray to choose Jessica and Johnny.
In the same episode, Megan also walked off the show, revealing that her exit was due to a medical emergency, which she didn’t specifically disclose, nor did other contestants or the producers.
However, in September, Megan confessed that she has been suffering from PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) on her Instagram account, and that’s when the episodes of Love Island Games were filmed.
So, it is most likely that Megan has left the show due to PID, and hopefully, she gets it treated and returns to the series sooner or later; after all, they didn’t mention that she will be gone for good.
How Did Contestants and Audience React to Megan’s Departure?
Honestly, the person who would be the most upset about Megan’s departure would be Kyra since she enjoyed being Megan’s girlfriend, and they both treated each other right.
When asked how they felt when Megan left the show in the most recent episode, Kyra expressed her distress. In her words,
“I feel like I’m in shock. I thought she was going to walk in tonight and be like whatever. I’m okay. It’s definitely upsetting — just obviously on different pages, and I haven’t been really able to get on the same page because she’s been sick and out of here.”
While there is still a chance that this couple could reunite later, it is still skeptical, considering how long it may take before Megan returns to the show and the probability of her not returning.
On the other hand, fans took to various social media platforms and expressed their opinions on why Megan left the series and if they miss her. Here are a few notable reactions:
So, do you miss Megan in Love Island Games? Are Megan and Kyra your favorite couple?