We are all curious about the commander of the new starship Enterprise-F ever since it was revealed that it would appear in season three of Picard.
But well, before coming to that, let us refresh our memory of the starship as well.
About Enterprise-F Starship
In “The Next Generation,” The Enterprise-F makes her television debut.
Shortly before the terrorist assault on M’talas Prime, she was displayed as a screen visual by Raffaela Musiker on the La Sirena during a computer search for forthcoming events.
However, the Enterprise has already been seen in flight and at the decommissioning ceremony before the season’s debut in several Star Trek: Picard teasers.
One year following the attack on Mars, which was a major story point in Picard season 1, the Enterprise-F was launched in 2386, as stated in the Star Trek: Picard Logs.
During Enterprise-F’s 15 years of service, “several Captains” were in charge, although none of them were identified. Perhaps their anonymity conceals a potential unexpected guest appearance in Star Trek: Picard season 3 at some point.
After an incident known as the “Monfette Gambit,” which compromised their vital systems during the “rescue of Railian refugees on Fenton IV,” the Enterprise-F will be decommissioned.
Additionally, it is mentioned that Enterprise-F’s final trip will take place during the celebration of Frontier Day, which is probably what has been depicted in the Picard season 3 teaser.
Who Is in Command of the Enterprise-F Starship?

Admiral Elizabeth Shelby is in charge of the Enterprise-F in ‘Vox,’ the ninth episode of Star Trek: Picard. In both episodes of The Best of Both Worlds, Elizabeth Dennehy made a comeback to the Star Trek world to play the role of Lt. Commander Shelby, who was first introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
In the 25th century, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) was an Odyssey-class Federation starship controlled by Starfleet. The Enterprise was the seventh vessel to bear the name.
In 2401, she was led by Fleet Admiral Elizabeth Shelby on her final expedition. The third season’s final episode of The Next Generation, “The Best of Both Worlds,” featured Lt. Commander Shelby for the first time.
The Federation battled the Borg Collective in this legendary episode after they abducted Jean-Luc Picard and transformed him into Locutus.
Since the Enterprise first saw them in TNG season two’s “Q Who,” Shelby had become Starfleet’s Borg expert and knew that a Borg invasion was about to happen. Naturally, she was given the task of assisting the Federation flagship when the Collective entered Federation orbit.
In “The Best of Both Worlds Pt. II,” Riker was placed in an impractical position. Shelby was the best candidate for his Number One, even if he desired to elevate Worf or Data to the position of the first officer.
“We don’t have to like one another to work well together,” Riker said to Shelby despite their lack of chemistry.
Riker returned to his position as First Officer after the Enterprise crew saved Picard from the Borg. Shelby kept her full Commander field promotion.
Shelby and Riker split up on much better terms, albeit they weren’t exactly best friends. She had not been seen or heard of since that brief appearance until recently, but Shelby returned as Admiral Shelby in the final episode of Picard’s season 3 and was seated in the Enterprise-F’s captain’s chair.
Shelby appears to have finally gotten the center seat on the Enterprise, something she had long desired. She was referred to as Admiral Elizabeth Shelby by Riker.
She gives a motivational speech in Vox as the Enterprise-F exits the Spacedock surrounded by fireworks. Shelby is speaking about the founding of Starfleet.
The speech was delivered just before the Borg attacked the newly launched Enterprise-F and the rest of Starfleet.
Following the moment of joy, the Borg launched their latest assault on the fleet. Stranger things have happened so that Shelby may have survived the attack after all.
Fans won’t have to wait long to find out if Shelby makes a comeback because there is only one episode left in the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard.
So that answers our question, Admiral Elizabeth Shelby is in command of the Enterprise-F in Star Trek: Picard.
How do you feel about the most recent Enterprise-F? Are you awaiting Star Trek: Picard’s next season?