When Yamato’s identification as gender was first adequately exposed, there was a lot of misunderstanding about it. However, it appeared to be ultimately resolved when Yamato took a bath with the male characters at the end of One Piece’s Wano arc, with fans speculating about Yamato’s gender identity as male.
Despite the revelation, the confusion persisted after Yamato is one of several notable female characters in the series featured on the first color page of Chapter #1084. This stirred the mess further.
What Is the Gender of Yamato in One Piece?

In Vivre Card, Yamato was shown to be a biological girl by Eiichiro Oda, putting a stop to these gender-related rumors. With Oda’s confirmation that Yamato is indeed a girl, confusion sparked again after Yamato may be seen bathing alongside Luffy and the other male characters in one of the manga pages.
Fans doubted Yamato’s gender again after this, more so after knowing that Yamato had the option to take a bath with Luffy’s female crew instead. Some also thought Yamato was not a female, as most characters around Yamato always referred to her as ‘he/him.’ But this is because Yamato has always idolized Kozuki Oden and calls herself ‘him’ because those are the pronouns Kozuki Oden uses for himself.
Other fans who decided to refer to Yamato as gender fluid also took a backstep after Yamato was identified as a girl on the One Piece Visual Dictionary page for Yamato. If Yamato were trans, her pronouns would be similar to that of Kiku and Morley, the absence of which only argues that Yamato is indeed a girl and puts the gender debate to rest.
Who Is Yamato in Love With in One Piece?
The One Piece fandom favors just a tiny percentage of the highly intriguing ship Yamato and Luffy. The bond the two have shared throughout the Wano arc so far and the fact that she knew Ace and learned about Luffy via him serve as the key arguments in favor of this pairing.
Fans also believe that Yamato’s interest in Luffy grew more after hearing Luffy’s Ace’s stories. Although the pair merely looks fanmade as Luffy’s clear love interest is Boa Hancock. Nonetheless, the two’s relationship throughout the Wano arc serves as the primary argument in favor of this combination.
While there are many debates and counter-debates on the internet on Yamato’s gender, the best is we go by the words of the writer and illustrator of the manga series himself, who put all rumors to rest and called declared Yamato a girl.
Do you still think Yamato is not a girl? Like other fans, do you believe Yamato is a trans character?
What do you think about Yamato’s equation with Luffy? Let us know down below!