Remember the conspiracy theories about the Bermuda Triangle? Plenty of ‘reports,’ sprang up about how planes tend to disappear in that area, compasses fail to work, and ships mysteriously sink there. There was also one famous story about a plane that time traveled after passing through dense fog in the skies above the Bermuda Triangle.
The first episode of Manifest will remind you of that story. A plane carrying several passengers disappears, and then it is seen again after five years. That story has finally ended after years and seasons of twists and turns. As such, the major questions now are- What happened in the series finale? And what happened to the plane?
In the series finale of Manifest, Flight 828 travels back to 2013 after the passengers pass the final judgment after going through the Glow again. But 11 passengers fail the test, and they get labeled as disappearances.
The original timeline gets restored, and everyone looks forward to building a new life. The plane becomes ordinary and is presumed to make more flights later on.
What Happens at the End of Manifest?
The series finale of Manifest has finally arrived after four seasons of intense drama, puzzles, science fiction, and emotional journeys. Passengers of the ill-fated Flight 828 finally confront the arrival of the Death Date. Cal combines the sapphire stone with the remnant of Noah’s Ark and, in the process, sacrifices himself.
A blue beam beckons every passenger to arrive there. It’s time for them to face the music. The plane that disappeared in the finale of season three rises again from a volcano. It’s ready to take them to their final destination. Amid this, Angelina convinced that she’s God’s chosen archangel, tries to save only a few passengers.
But when her abilities vanish, she shoots Saanvi, although accidentally. At her home, Olive discovers that her father, Ben, is curious about Angelina rather than herself in a photo from Al-Zuras’ notebook. She understands that forgiving Angelina is necessary on their path to salvation.
Next, the passengers get on the plane to face their final judgment. Some get disintegrated into ash when they fail. A total of eleven passengers die in the test. Angelina is one of them. Multiple things happen in the plane. For one, Adrian, believing in Eagan’s good-heartedness, sacrifices himself in his stead.
Secondly, just when Saanvi has accepted her destiny, Ben convinces her to forgive herself. So she survives the final judgment. The nightmare isn’t over yet, as a dark figure/ angel appears with the ultimate challenge that will test everyone’s unwavering faith.
Michaela and Ben, with others, profess their benevolent deeds and defend their life’s actions. Thus, they convince the death or dark angel to disappear. Once the plane reaches New York City, everyone realizes a second chance awaits them.
They understand that their lives have been transformed by the journey they undertook. So everyone wants to live their lives to the best of their ability. In the end, Saanvi and Alex reunite, Michaela and Zeke begin a new life, and Ben confidently tells Grace that Cal’s illness will be cured by Saanvi.
Overall, the passengers overcome the Death Date and, in the process, get a new life perspective due to the journey. They are ready to face whatever lies ahead.
What Happens to the Plane in Manifest?

Along with the question of what was happening to the passengers of Flight 828, viewers were also eager to know what was going on with the plane itself. In 2013 when the plane took off from Jamaica, intending to land in New York City, it experienced some turbulence. Captain Daly presumed it to be bad weather, but slowly things got weirder.
Black lightning flashed and charged the flight from everywhere. So when the captain saw a white light, he flew the plane right into that blinding glow. His decision saved the passengers because if he hadn’t done that, everyone would have died.
So there was nothing special about the passengers, and the same thing could have happened to any other plane. Dr. Saanvi Bahl correctly deduces this. Ben Stone seems to get on board with her theory when the plane’s tailfin gets found in the ocean in season 3.
But what makes him seriously consider the theory is the death of a passenger who gets shot but exhibits signs of dying like he was in a plane crash. That blinding glow the plane flew into was later derived to be the Divine Consciousness. Here, time and space worked differently. That’s how they traveled for more than five years in the future.
That’s not all. They also got connected to Consciousness, and that led to the Callings the passengers’ experience in the real world. The NSA holds the plane to study it, but that doesn’t happen since it explodes. However, the passengers see the plane multiple times during their Callings.
They see themselves inside the plane when they are accessing the Calling. So the plane represents the Glow, and it helps them understand their quest and the Divine Consciousness to survive the Death Date. When the recovered tailfin gets studied, Sapphire gets found in it, and further experiments reveal calamities like volcanic fissures and earthquakes.
Cal disappears upon touching the tailfin, and later on, Ben tells Dr. Gupta to dump it where it got discovered. Saanvi, too, goes to a volcanic fissure and throws the piece of Noah’s Ark to prevent it from worsening.
The only other instance when the plane gets seen is when Captain Daly, having flown another flight into the lightning and vanished, appears to ask for help while in it. Then the plane appears in the finale, where it emerges from the volcanic fissure after Cal connects the Sapphire with the piece of Noah’s Ark.
The plane seems unharmed, and it looks like it never exploded. When the passengers get on the plane, they fly into that Glow. In the end, they finally landed in 2013. Things get restored to what they should have been in the original timeline.
But the eleven passengers who died during the final judgment don’t return. They disappear forever. Everyone else returns to their normal lives. The plane, in the end, becomes a normal one and will probably make more flights.
Manifest is now streaming on Netflix.
What did you think of the series finale of Manifest?
Did it live up to the hype and answer all the questions? Or were the plot points poorly tied up?
Type it out in the comments below.