Manners maketh man, but the beard maketh him unrecognizable. James Harden from the Philadelphia 76ers team is one of the most widely known basketball players. He is placed as the 5th best shooting guard in NBA history. His legend knows no bounds as the 2018 MVP, 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist, and 10-time All-star; while the list goes on.
James Harden is also categorized as a strategic player with a penchant for engineering his approach to shooting the hoops. His genius on the court has landed him at the top in Free Throw Ratings (FTR).
Experts believe he is an efficient scorer because of his strategy of shooting from the efficient spot and aiming well from the stripe. His efficiency is formidable among other giants.
But that’s not all he is famous for. James Harden is the symbol of one of the most iconic beards of all time. Endearingly known as ‘The Beard,’ his teammates have never seen him with a trimmer or a razor near his face. He only allows the groomer to style his beard. Such is the saga of the basketball beast with the beard.
James Harden, in His Early Debut Days, Looks Completely Different

From his childhood days, James’s mother was worried that he might fall into the wrong hands or affiliate with gangs in the neighborhood. She enrolled him in sports to keep him focused and eventually get free from that environment.
He always looked pretty young among his teammates after he was drafted by Oklahoma City Thunder in 2009. That is when he decided to grow his beard to showcase some form of aggression. Yes! I believe appearance does create a form of intimidation. Just look at his before pics.
Some might even argue then that he would never be among the elite players of the NBA, based on his younger images. However, his decision to brow the beard seems to have created an iconic image for himself.
What Do Netizens Think About Him With and Without the Beard?
People have very strong opinions about him without the beard. This Reddit thread proves there is a separate fanbase only for his facial hair.
The Beard is not just a style statement, but it is a state of mind. Harden’s hard work and dedication to the sport are a testimony to his success, but his style sure brought an attitude to his approach, thus creating The Beard.
Passing the question to you–
What do you think of the before and after images? Do you think he looks completely different? Do you like his beard?
Post your opinions in the comment section below; let us see how many prefer beards.