Marvel’s phase five has already begun with Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. While saying goodbye to the superheroes with tears in their eyes, the audience has openly welcomed the new additions.
The next and upcoming release, Secret Invasion, is bringing back Samuel L. Jackson, aka Nick Fury, and his army of S.H.I.E.L.D. officers to save Earth again.
The introduction of the Secret Invasion that attracted many headlines about being doped by AI is true. The director of Secret Invasion, Ali Selim, admitted to a popular tabloid that the opening credits of the trailer were designed using VFX from Marvel Studios using Artificial Intelligence. The audience are not at all thrilled with the news and is guessing that future movies and TV series could be inspired by it.
People are tweeting:
Kaiikiller said – I was kind of looking forward to watching Secret Invasion.. but the whole AI intro thing kind of killed any interest in ever wanting to watch it……. gosh the future sucks.
Demoncrat quoted – @SecretInvasion @MarvelStudios, you can do SOOOO much better with opening credits. You could’ve done similar but better with living, breathing artists.
The Truth Behind Marvel’s Exhilarating AI Opening of Secret Invasion

The trailer for Secret Invasion introduced the audience to a new threat that is taking over Earth – Skrull. The Earth is covered with hundreds and thousands of shapeshifting alien Skrulls. Well, The person is human for one minute and then transforms into someone else. There is much more to it than what actually meets the eye.
Nick Fury and his S.H.I.E.L.D. officers will be seen uncovering this new threat and finding ways to wipe it off the face of the Earth. But the idea of shapeshifting is also evident in the series’ strikingly different opening credits, which depict the main characters and themes of Secret Invasion in a watercolor painting style.
The trailer, however, raised many eyebrows among people who are into Artificial Intelligence. Many Reddit discussions pointed out that the sequence where Skrull Green is taking over the world was prompting the use of AI.
When asked about the same from director Ali Selim, he replied that the introduction sequence was designed at Marvel Studios using artificial intelligence. According to him, the entire sequence went well with the theme of the show and added more substance.
“When we reached out to the AI vendors, that was part of it — it just came right out of the shapeshifting, Skrull world identity, you know? Who did this? Who is this?”
“We don’t ‘really understand’ how the artificial intelligence works, but he was fascinated with the ways in which the AI could translate the sense of foreboding he wanted for the series. We would talk to them about ideas and themes and words, and then the computer would go off and do something. And then we could change it a little bit by using words, and it would change.”
Ali Selim
Does the Use of AI Dishearten the Audience?

Marvel is a multibillion-dollar studio that employs the best writers who consistently demonstrate their talent. Despite having everything, Marvel is using AI, which doesn’t bode well for them—particularly considering that millions of viewers will probably watch this particular opening sequence.
Jeff Simpson, the visual development concept artist for Secret Invasion, tweeted his disappointment and quoted.
The audience are undoubtedly not thrilled to know that development wasn’t a fragment of human imagination, but somewhere it will settle if the TV series does justice to expectations.
The gradual development of AI and its use cases is no news to people. The corporate world is grabbing its position rather firmly than ever by introducing these new AI bots, who are doing the bare minimum jobs of an individual. Therefore, it isn’t a surprise that Marvel Studios took advantage of the opportunity.
Marvel’s Secret Invasion is now streaming on Disney Plus.
What are your thoughts on this? The introduction of AI into our lives has changed many things.
Is it changing the way out through processes too? Should we expect Marvel to produce more shows and movies using AI in the future?
Let us know your views on AI-developed movies in the comment section below.
Source: Polygon