Remember the cult classic movie Shazaam? The comedian Sinbad stars as a genie who helps out Max figure out his difficult childhood.
If you remember the movie with crystal clarity and love Sinbad because of it, congrats, your memory has pulled the biggest April Fools’ trick on you.
A movie called Shazaam with Sinbad never even existed! Yes, you read it right. The movie you are talking about is probably Kazaam, featuring Shaq. Take your time going on a Google sprint, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when you see no trace of Sinbad and Shazaam.

So why do you remember Shazaam so vividly? Can your brain really pull such a massive trick on you? Turns out it can.
Did Sinbad Play a Genie in Shazaam Movie?
No, the comedian Sinbad never played a genie in any movie named Shazaam. The one you remember is actually the movie Kazaam featuring Shaquille O’Neal as the genie.
Feel like your brain has betrayed you in the worst possible way? Fear not because, apparently, most people have the same misconception. Sinbad’s daughter, Page Bryan, had to explain that “it did not happen” and “Get over it.” Even Sinbad’s own relatives second-guess the movie’s existence.
Sinbad and his family are often asked about his role in the movie Shazaam, which doesn’t even exist. Even when they try to correct people, it never works out. No one wants to acknowledge a film named Kazaam, much less Shaq.
Why do people Mistake Sinbad for being in Shazaam?

So how can you and thousands of people worldwide have the same impression? It’s because of the Mandela Effect. The effect is named after Nelson Mandela after everyone believed he died in prison in the 1990s despite being alive until 2013.
Another popular example is the children’s show ‘Looney Tunes,’ often remembered as ‘Looney Toons.’
Bryce, Sinbad’s son, explained that people had mistaken Sinbad for Shaq too many times for it to make any logical sense. Bryce himself also has his own theories about the common misconception. He stated that people might be passing Sinbad in the genie role because of the character he played in “All That.” Sinbad’s character had a very genie-ish wardrobe in the 90s show.
Another theory is that the costume in “Sinbad the Sailor” movie is reminiscent of the genie in Kazaam.
Sinbad’s Cruel April Fools Prank
Amidst all the confusion about Sinbad being in Shazaam, the protagonist of the chaos himself decided to play a hilarious prank on Kazaam fans.
On April 1, 2017, College Humor posted a tweet that showed proof of an existing Shazaam movie. Everything turned chaotic as they even posted clips of the movie, which never even existed.
Sinbad himself stated:
“It was my first time directing and the studio wasn’t happy with the project. It was pulled from theatrical release. I would prefer if we all just pretended this never happened.”
College Humor even went as far as announcing that they are working on releasing the full 93 minutes movie. People thought they were finally right, and the film was indeed just erased from existence.
Some did catch on to the prank as they pointed out Sinbad looks like his present self when the movie claims to be shot in the 90s.
Since people go as far as negating Sinbad and his family’s statements on the movie, Sinbad claims that “People want to be fooled :)” and I don’t think anyone will disagree with the fact. Everyone flew right into the trap like bees to a honeypot.
A large number of people still think that the movie actually exists, and the April Fools’ prank did nothing to wake them out of their dream. In fact, it solidified their belief even more.
Shazam, aka Kazaam, is such a large part of people’s childhood that no one wants to be proven wrong. It is just easier to believe that the movie was pulled back rather than acknowledging the mistake.
So, which division are you a part of? The Shazaam believer? Or the ‘childhood destroyed after reading this article’ party?