Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, the highly anticipated sequel to Into the Spider-Verse, is finally here and is receiving rave reviews on social media platforms. Fans of Miles Morales are eager to see what multiversal shenanigans he gets into again, with Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker, and Mayday tagging along this time.
The film is returning five years after the first one was released. It won an Oscar and changed the way animated movies were viewed. Across the Spider-Verse has somehow improved the already perfect art and animation, making it a visual treat.
The plot has been appreciated by many, but fans are asking if there are any post-credit scenes they need to wait for in the theater.
Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers for Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse
There are no post-credit or even mid-credit scenes of Across the Spider-Verse. All that appears is a screen with the line- “Miles Morales will return in Beyond the Spider-Verse“ written on it. So viewers can comfortably exit after watching the film without staying for the end credits. The story will be continued in Beyond the Spider-Verse, which will get released in March 2024.
Why Are There No Post-Credit Scenes in Across the Spider-Verse?

Initially, Across the Spider-Verse was titled Part 1. So many thought there would be a cliffhanger that would keep people talking about the film till Beyond the Spider-Verse dropped. There’s definitely a cliffhanger, but it’s not added in the post or mid-credit scenes.
So there are no post-credit or even mid-credit scenes attached to the film. As such, if you are wondering if you should leave while the credits roll, don’t hesitate to walk out without thinking if you missed something. However, some text appears at the end with the line- “Miles Morales will return in Beyond the Spider-Verse.” But it’s not necessary to stay for it.
It’s quite refreshing that such a highly anticipated film decided to forego adding any post-credit scenes. It helped preserve the ending and ensured that all people will be talking about is the final scene instead of an arbitrary clip that lasts a few seconds. Also, Post-credits scenes don’t always work positively.
For example, when the MCU introduced Clea in Doctor Strange 2, many were dumbfounded because they didn’t know who she was. As such, instead of creating confusion, the lack of post-credits scenes has ensured that fans become even more excited for Beyond the Spider-Verse.
What Is the Ending of Across the Spider-Verse?
Across the Spider-Verse begins when Gwen Stacy returns with a multiverse hopping device and pulls Miles Morales along for another adventure. There is plenty of action, adventure, and drama in the movie, and it’s made better by the ending that shocked everyone.
In the end, Miles gets stuck with his alternate self in the wrong dimension. He finds that instead of his uncle, he is the Prowler there. Gwen, the other Spideys, and his Uncle Aaron search for him throughout the multiverse. Now, this happens while The Spot is looking to murder his dad, and Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara) is trying to find him.
In the film, Miles discovers that uncontrolled dimension traveling can destroy even canon events. It can rupture the good old space-time continuum. He also understands that according to canon events, his dad will have to die. But Miles isn’t ready for that yet. That’s not the end of surprises in store for Morales.
He also discovers that the Spider that chomped on him in the first film wasn’t even from his universe. Also, he wasn’t ever intended to be Spider-Man. To make matters worse, he’s the actual original anomaly that ripped the multiverse. When Miles escapes the Spider-Society just in time to save his dad, he finds out that there’s no hero Spider-Man in his universe.
Also, his dad is dead, but his uncle is alive. So he realizes that he has made it to the home of the Spider that bit him- Earth-42. It’s a mega cliffhanger that will definitely get resolved when Beyond the Spider-Verse premieres sometime in March 2024. So before a whole year passes since the premiere of Across the Spider-Verse, fans will be able to find out how the dangling threads get resolved.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is currently in theaters worldwide.
So what are your thoughts on the lack of post-credits scenes and the ending of Across the Spider-Verse?
Should the makers have added at least one post-credit scene to build more hype for the next film? Or would it have been overkill after the jaw-dropping ending? Regarding the ending scene- will Miles’ dad really have to die by the end of the trilogy, or will Miles be another anomaly in this way?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.