On Friday, Twitter users were taken aback when a self-proclaimed “Editor in Chief” of Threads claimed to be a Nazi. Threads is a new social media platform created by Meta to act as a rival microblogging platform to Twitter.
Katie Notopoulos has been playing a weird joke on her followers where she has convinced everyone she works at Threads. However, the truth is far from what she claims.
Katie’s fake identity would have remained secure if she had not tweeted a pro-Nazi comment in response to a post. As the tweet garnered more attention, people started to question her identity and found out that she was not an editor-in-chief after all.
The controversy began on July 6 when Twitter user @riff_n_ryan tweeted, “Will you make sure the Nazis are removed from this platform?” The tweet was formulated as a response to Elon Musk’s poor decisions regarding the platform.
Katie Notopoulos retweeted it by saying, “Here at Threads, we expect everyone to be kind and respectful to others. That includes respecting the choice to live a Nazi lifestyle. We welcome everyone.”
Katie is clearly trying to act like a Threads employee, but her pro-Nazi tweet didn’t go unnoticed, as many did not find it amusing. People started commenting to find out if it was a joke or she was serious.
Who Is Katie Notopoulos?
Further research into Katie Notopoulos revealed that she is a NY University graduate with a degree in Cinema Studies. She has previously worked for Warner Bros on E-commerce for five years.
She included that she joined BuzzFeed in 2012 in her LinkedIn account, where she covers tech news. Katie even edited her profile on various platforms to show that she no longer worked at BuzzFeed.
Katie posted on July 6 that she is the editor-in-chief of Threads, and it was her first day at work.
The lady did not pull back on her effort as she asked people on Twitter how they liked Threads. She even stated that the feedback would be passed along to Mark Zuckerberg.
On the very next day, Natie tweeted that she had been fired from her post at Threads.
Her account was suspended after her thread went against the community guidelines of the app.
The intention behind Katie’s lies and posing is not confirmed yet, as she has not replied to any tweets that are condemning her. What do you think is the reason behind her sudden change of attitude?
Is it a joke that she wanted to establish among her followers? Is the pro-Nazi comment just satire that went haywire? Or is she just revealing her true self?
Comment below what you think of the matter.