“Mindcage,” a 2022 psychological crime thriller directed by Mauro Borrelli, delves into mind-bending murder cases and serial killers.
The story begins with a series of cryptic murders of women across the city, distinguished by a unique angelic appearance.
Intriguingly, the perpetrator of these killings remains incarcerated, adding another perplexing layer of mystery to the plot.
So, who is doing the killings?
In the 2022 film “Mindcage,” directed by Mauro Borrelli, Arnaud Lefeuvre, aka “The Artist,” is the copycat killer. Despite his prior imprisonment for six murders, he continued his crimes by entering the minds of others through drawings. He possessed Detective Jake Doyle, leading to more murders. Detective Mary Kelley stopped him by poisoning Arnaud’s pencils, which he chewed on in prison.
Explained: Who Was the Actual Killer in Mindcage?
In the gripping psychological thriller “Mindcage,” viewers are thrust into a world of suspense and mind-bending mysteries.
Directed by Mauro Borrelli, the film centers around the enigmatic character Arnaud Lefeuvre (John Malkovich), known as “The Artist,” a serial killer who had abducted and murdered six women associated with the backgrounds of sex work.
The movie’s storyline takes a captivating turn when a new serial killer emerges, eerily mirroring “The Artist’s” gruesome modus operandi.
The emergence of this copycat killer is accompanied by a chilling twist—random clues, indirectly related to the detectives and their personal lives, are left on the victims’ bodies.
Faced with this perplexing case, the investigators, Jake Doyle (Martin Lawrence) and Mary Kelly (Melissa Roxburgh) find themselves with no alternative but to seek assistance from the very man behind the original murders, Arnaud Lefeuvre.
As the narrative unfolds, Arnaud shares an address and a sculpture of Mary Kelley with the detectives, offering cryptic clues that delve deep into their own lives.
An unexpected revelation occurs when Detective Kelly, upon inspecting the sculpture, finds a hidden note containing the actual address.
The duo embarks on a journey to this undisclosed location, discovering a house filled with photographs and personal details belonging to Kelly.
As Jake leaves to notify other officers of their findings, Kelly hears a familiar voice and rushes to the rescue, only to be shocked by an unforeseen revelation—the murderer inside the house is none other than her partner, Jake.
Jake’s behavior takes a drastic turn, as he appears possessed by Arnaud, speaking the exact same words and exhibiting a personality utterly distinct from his own.
Arnaud begins recounting his troubled childhood, revealing his unique ability to enter the mind and body of a person he draws.
This power had remained a secret until a presumed divine encounter with Archangel Samael, who had deemed it a gift rather than a curse. After that, Arnaud claimed himself to be an “angel of death.”
As tensions escalate, Kelly is left with no option but to shoot Arnaud, eventually restoring Jake to his senses.
She confronts him, revealing that he was the copycat murderer all along. Jake, realizing the truth, implores her to stop Arnaud.
The explanation provided is that Jake suffered from identity-type psychosis triggered by the first incident involving his police partner Zeke’s death. However, Jake remains adamant that she must put an end to Arnaud’s reign of terror.
The story takes an unexpected turn when Arnaud, seemingly imprisoned, orchestrates a sinister plan. He possesses the body of Dr. Loesch and confronts Kelly, informing her that she is his next victim and, through her, will continue committing crimes.
But Kelly is one step ahead of Arnaud.
Kelly informs Arnaud that she had poisoned his pencils because she noticed he had a habit of chewing his pencils. As the poison takes control of Arnaud, he loses command over everything and dies.
Overall, “Mindcage” enthralls audiences with its psychological elements, delving into religious themes and the complex character of Arnaud.
Mindcage is available on Amazon Prime Video.
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