In times of chaos, looking up to superheroes is like a ray of hope to keep on going; they allow us to dream – a dream to fly, a dream to don a cape, and more than anything, a dream to keep pushing.
Spider-Man to Superman, maybe mere characters in comic books or movies, but they stand for more than that; they are a symbol. When stranded on the road with a flat tire, Superman will not fly by you and help you out; but a passerby may stop for you, and they carry the symbol representing all the superheroes. And this is the tale that shows us that, in our way, we are all superheroes.

Name: Aaditya Mahale
Lives In: India
My name is Aaditya Mahale. And yes…I'm one of those kids who got bullied at school for being a superhero/comic book nerd, watching every superhero movie opening weekend, reading every comic, and putting up giant posters in our room that we buy by saving our pocket money. And I'm writing this as I'm on my way to a 3-hour journey just to watch Spider-Man: No Way Home (Extended Cut) in a movie theater. I remember finding a limited edition Iron Man 3 FastTrack watch lying on my school playground as I picked it up for myself, then coming home to watch Aunt May's Speech, making me return the watch to the school authorities to find its rightful owner. My life is literally full of stories about how superheroes shaped my personality. But let's talk about one of them in detail. This was the year 2013. I was In 6th grade. An 11-year-old kid who was obsessed with superheroes. I believe it to be the month of August. I woke up early before school because The Amazing Spider-Man movie was going to be on the television on SONY MAX (Indian TV channel) at 7 am. I got up at 6. Got my Spider-Man mask and action figure with me and sat there smiling as I watched my hero. Then mom came to my room to prepare me for school, which started at 8:30 am. I used to go to school by an auto rickshaw ( a typical Indian version of a taxi), but obviously, I didn't want to go to school that day. I'd rather prefer watching my favorite movie. So I did what any other kid would do. I acted as if I had a stomach ache. But my mom won't buy it. So I asked her to let my dad drop me at school. The reason was that if I traveled by my auto rickshaw. I had to leave my home at 7:45, but if dad dropped me off at school, it was an easy 15-minute drive, giving me a little more time to watch Spider-Man. Finally, Mom agrees to it, and I get my extra half hour to watch Spider-Man. Then dad dropped me off at school as we gathered for the morning assembly to pray. Our school principal came on stage and informed us that the school was being shut down for the day, and all of us had to call our parents to take us back home. One of the student auto rickshaws of our school had a horrible accident with a Truck, and a kid from our school died. I called my home, and my parents rushed to pick me up. Soon after, I called one of my friends. He said, "Aadi..your auto rickshaw was the one that had the accident, and Khush died!" I was numb. Realizing I had lost a dear friend of mine. Realizing I could've been at his place. I could've been the one. The only reason I wasn't the one who died, I believe, was watching The Amazing Spider-Man. Not many people know about this. Just my parents and a few close friends. I still owe my life to Spider-Man, who inspires me to be a good person. Uplifts me to aid others. He helped me get a second chance in life and made me realize I needed to contribute. I may not have great power…but I still believe I have a great responsibility to do good.
Key Takeaways
#1 Break The Shackles
It is one thing to grieve; it is quite another to let the loss consume you. Spider-Man has gone through many adversities and tragedies as a superhero, and on occasion, he has allowed these times to affect him and lead him to act out or give up on life, also as a superhero. But in dire situations, Spider-Man has learned that the best way to honor the dead is to continue working hard and living a fulfilling life, which is a valuable life lesson.
Each loss made Parker go even further, breaking through every chain holding him back. Not only did Aaditya overcome certain death, but he did not let the death of his friend consume him – he moved on, carrying his friends’ light in him.
#2 A Hero Within You
“I believe there’s a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams.”
These words hold true to many. There’s honesty in us that lets us walk on the right path, there’s strength in all of us that keeps us moving and fighting for the things we love, and when we are finally laid rest, our legacy continues – each step we take embodies these word by Aunt May. And for Aaditya, these words became a way of living, and that’s why he gave the watch back, even if it was about a superhero that he loved; he kept on moving despite many obstacles thrown at him because that’s what heroes do.
#3 Be Proud
Peter Parker was out-and-out a nerd in school, with an awkward and shy demeanor, but he was never ashamed of who he was; Peter never failed to give his best. And he carried on these qualities with him, helping him be – a better friend, a better person, and a better hero. Whether you are quirky, a nerd, or orthodox, be proud of who you are, and nothing can bring you down.
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