Finding a superb offer on a property on a lovely yet isolated island is either the beginning of a fairytale or a horror story. If the same offer is extended to you with a cash incentive, would you take it?
This is not just a clickbait; Ireland is actually offering $90,000 to move to the country’s remote islands and restore vacant properties to livable conditions.
The Irish government’s 10-year “Our Living Islands” initiative might be your perfect opportunity to run off and start a new life. The initiative is directed at boosting the population of these elegant islands.
According to a statement released in June 2023, the project aims to ensure that a sustainable and vibrant community can continue to live on these vacant islands.
Thirty breathtaking islands which are not linked to the Irish mainland have been included in the scheme. These islands are not connected by bridges and are separated by tides. The increasing number of abandoned and dilapidated properties on the islands are the targets that need resurrection.
However, there is a catch. The properties are not just being distributed for free; you still need to buy them with your money. The cash incentive can only be used to restore and rebuild the properties. So please don’t go off thinking you can use it for personal gain or pleasure.
Before frivolously buying a property, you should also ensure that you can reside there. Especially if you are from outside Ireland, residency could be a problem.
So is it completely up to you to see the welfare of the islands?
Of course not. The Irish government is also taking plenty of measures to revitalize these islands. They aim to diversify the island economies, enhance health services, build innovative and sustainable futures, and empower the island’s communities.
An action plan for 2023-2026 has been created, including time-bound actions that need to be implemented. Providing grant support for refurbishing vacant properties is one of the plans that come under it.
If you have been looking for the perfect chance to run away and fulfill your escapist fantasies, then go ahead and grab the opportunity. Applications for the scheme will be available from July 1, so don’t miss your chance.
Check out the official website for more details and to apply for the scheme.
Before jumping in, remember to read all the terms and conditions and ensure you can live in the place you buy. Comment down below if this brilliant initiative by the Irish government will work or if its importance will fade out soon enough.