Author: Yashica Dudhe

From a little girl who wrote school plays and made her friends act in them to an adolescent who got into dark humor, Yashica has built her own universe of peculiar characters inspired by great cinema. She has imbibed the philosophies of David Fincher's characters but lives like the eccentricity of Phoebe Waller Bridge's women. Her metahumans are those who can use the power of words to create an elixir of emotions and bring them to life on screen. Jordan Peele, Issa Rae, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Ilana-Abbi, Raj-DK, Anurag Kashyap, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and others are her Marvel's Avengers. With over two years of experience as a content writer, her writing pieces are well-researched, with a sprinkle of her opinions/inferences that keep the audiences engaged. She is still exploring more on the anime scene but is highly intrigued by it. The cinephile in her makes her appreciate the intricacies of filmmaking. You will get a lot more insight into it in her articles and thoroughly enjoy her explanations. Well, someday, you might see Yashica as one of the writers for a movie-- it's her ultimate dream!
Picture this: You are involved in a road rage with another biker. And a rider never backs down from a challenge. But before hashing it out with a race, you need to show who’s the boss. And often, the assertion is not displayed through trash talk but rather through a symbolic gesture. With aggressive eye contact, you both twist the throttle. And suddenly, the biker backs off a little. He is intimidated and rides away. What prompted him to withdraw? It was the exhaust sound– you are riding a Ducati, and he had a Kawasaki (just assume). Your bike made…
Jared Leto belonged to a quite eccentric family, raised in Louisiana. His mother, Constance, joined the hippie movement in the 70s and encouraged her sons to join the arts. Leto revealed in an interview that he “was raised around a lot of artists, musicians, photographers, painters, and people that were in the theater.” “Just having the art communal hippie experience as a child, there wasn’t a clear line that was drawn. We celebrated creative experience and creative expression. We didn’t try and curtail it and stunt any of that kind of growth.” With his musical roots, he started his own…
Criminal Minds follows the intense professional lives of FBI profilers, diving into the worst aspects of humanity. From complex forensics to data analysis, from evaluating one’s body language to getting into the criminal’s mindset, these profilers are highly proficient and skilled in catching the perpetrator. This magnitude of work might not be comprehensible to us ordinary folks. Although we might find their work interesting, it might be difficult to empathize with them. We need a perspective that can help us understand this line of work who is also a part of this intense profile. And here comes along, Penelope! Penelope…
Wildfires have set ablaze California’s estate, security, and now the financial certainty. People are suffering every year with strenuous evacuation, uprooting their lives, losing homes, dealing with impending threats, and monetary stress. Summers are particularly difficult, considering the extremely arid climate, leading to intense cluster fires. These wet winters may dampen the magnitude of the summer fires, but experts still believe that the threat isn’t over yet. In this year itself, the fires have destroyed over 80000 hectares of the country. The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) has stated that this outcome is 61% less than the 10-year average. In…
First, a battle is fought to get tickets that are sold out in seconds. Then, there is the struggle of budgeting to travel to the venue. Then, hours of waiting in line to get the merch and the lightstick. Things could get rough if the weather does not cooperate while attending the concert in pouring rains, shivering cold, or blistering heat. Attending your fave’s concert is no child’s play. It requires months of planning and savings. The artists know how difficult it is for their fans to attend their concerts. Moreover, they are grateful for their fans’ unwavering support and…
After a year’s worth of work, taking care of the household, studies, responsibilities, and whatnot, one can only recharge oneself with a good long vacation. Italy is ranked third in the world, hosting over 62.1 million visitors in 2018. And if you want to get the best tourism experience through culturally rich Italy, a cruise tour is the way to go. And with the same intentions, over 3000 people onboarded the Costa Concordia, promising a luxury experience of exploring Italy on a seven-day sail tour. The ship was scheduled en route from Civitavecchia near Rome to Savona in the North.…
August 30-31 was a special period when the moon shined the brightest. The moon appeared bigger and more ethereal. However, it was not blue in color. The Super Blue Moon has a yellow tinge but has the brightest hue. So, one might wonder why it is called a blue moon if it has no blue hues. NASA has defined the blue moon based on the moon cycle and the occurrence of the full moon. The rare event of a Super Blue moon will cast 30% more light on Earth. This is because the moon orbits the closest to Earth on…
Remember the days of sneaking out to meet your crush? Or just going on simple dates as teenagers? Or making excuses for study circles to meet your bf/gf? Young love is full of secret meetings and riding high on the adrenaline. That is our coming-of-age, a natural process of understanding what it means to be in a relationship. That’s how we learn, grow, and find ourselves. The point is that being in a relationship or simply dating in late teens is as normal as possible. Then why are K-pop idols criticized for doing what all teenagers do? This hypocrisy of…
Watching a wholesome family, spending quality time with each other, sharing experiences, making memories, playing together, and having fun feel like a warm blanket in cold weather. Some viewers have stated that they subscribe to YouTube family channels because it gives them the comfort they never got from their own. They perceive these channels as safe spaces where they share laughs with the family, feel a part of their little world, and empathize with their concerns. A few of these channels were started by parents when they just had babies, so people love watching the kids grow over the years.…
GMA Network announced the loss of its precious member, Mike Enriquez, in an official statement– “It is with profound sadness that GMA Network announces the passing of our beloved Kapuso, Mr. Miguel ‘Mike’ C. Enriquez, who peacefully joined our Creator on August 29, 2023.” “His dedication to the industry will serve as an inspiration to all.” Mr. Enriquez is an influential figure in Philipines media, with over 50 years of dedication to journalism. But on August 29, the celebrated GMA News anchor suffered a cardiac arrest at 72. Who Is Mike Enriquez? Although Mr. Enriquez has reached the highest milestones…
The American Revolution signified the power of unity. One War that compiled the resilience of all the colonies together stood victorious in the face of the titans of War, Great Britain. Under the consolidated leadership of George Washington, the patriotic spirit of fighting for freedom unified the thirteen colonies. Starting from 1775, something shifted in America’s atmosphere. People were ready to put aside their differences and join hands against the external entity. This similar unity was first observed during the French and Indian War between 1754 to 1763. In 1954, a political cartoon, “Join or Die,” was published in Benjamin…
Did you know that the moon phase cycle can affect various aspects of existence, nature, and other occurrences? According to weather experts, a supermoon might alter the intensity of Hurricane Idalia. The storm might evolve due to the supermoon’s proximity to Earth, and its gravity will have more drastic effects on the oceans. Hence, alerts were issued on Wednesday morning for enhanced tides and surging storms with potential flooding and heavy rainfall. National Hurricane Center Deputy Director Jamie Rhome has also warned that the rare occurrence of a supermoon could increase high tide by almost a foot. But this blue…
Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell has been serving for the Republican party since 2007. He played a key role during ex-president Trump’s administration as a majority leader between 2015 and 2021. He continued as the minority leader from 2021 onwards under President Biden’s administration. McConnell displayed commendable work ethics in conducting standard briefings throughout his tenure. This year, Leader McConnell has surpassed Montana Democrat Mike Mansfield as the longest-serving Senate leader. He has also made it clear that he won’t be stepping down from his duties any time soon. Sen. McConnell froze during the question-answer segment on August 30, in…
Meeting someone who inspires you is the ultimate dream for many of us. We all enter the delusional realm of meeting our idols at least once. Although the reality is far from this rosy picture; the probability of being up close to your favorite is quite slim. But humor me for a second….what if you do get a chance to see them? What would be your first words to them? Regardless of many possible scenarios in your head, you would never expect that your encounter would hurt them in any way. That is the absolutely worst-case scenario. And this precise…
After the devastating effects of Hurricane Hilary in Southern California, Florida is about to face another of its usual hurricanes. The first tremors of Hurricane Idalia’s outer bands were felt along the southwest coast of Florida on Tuesday afternoon. During the initial phases, Hurricane Hilary was classified as a category 2 storm. But with the passing of time, the storm is expected to evolve into category 4 within a few days. As of 2 a.m. on Wednesday, the storm had sustained winds of 120mph and proceeded towards the Gulf of Mexico. Here are some predictions on the nature and the…